It's the clothes equivalent to looking for apartments and finally finding one that looks amazing, then realizing it's senior living only.
It's the clothes equivalent to looking for apartments and finally finding one that looks amazing, then realizing it's senior living only.
Oh god! lol I brought my own prenatals when I went on bed rest and it was a HUGE ordeal to get them approved by the hospital pharmacy and all, but you know, $5 for the whole bottle versus some insane thing like your $30 per pill Tums!
It's so crazy. For my kids, the hospital sent us an itemized list for their bill. It was fascinating and annoying. Things like the pulse ox cost $700 a day. You can probably buy your own for less! It really shows how jacked up pricing is for all medical care related items.
Ugh, that's awful. Thanks for the info. I haven't really been following the story as it really gets my bp up.
Curious, do they only wait until viability or do they try to go full term? Because saddling this man with a child born at 25 weeks, who has already been deprived of oxygen a bit, is even worse. To lose his wife, then deal with the horror of a 25 weeker in the NICU for months upon months, I can't even imagine. I barely…
One good thing to come of this awful situation could be that people DO start thinking about what they would do if they were to become brain dead while pregnant. Can't hurt to consider the possibility no matter how remote. Though, it is frightening to know that in some states it doesn't matter how much you plan and…
Oh yeah, the cost is unreal. I was on hospital bedrest for 10 days and had a c-section and I think that cost around $30,000 (including the part insurance paid). My kids were in the NICU for 9 weeks and that cost $700,000 (their original bill before discounts/insurance). Does the husband have insurance? He could still…
I was just thinking that finally here is a situation where my infertility issues come in handy. It would take IVF or a medical miracle for me to end up pregnant again, so yay!
PEE AFTERWARDS!!!! I read so much about sex in the 25 years before I had it (ok, most of the reading was probably in the 10 years before I had it) but somehow the peeing right afterwards I missed. Those UTIs were horrific. Peeing blood and what feels like needles or razor blades is not worth it!
However, I think the fact that I could see that he was neither weirdly excited about my virginity nor put off by my lack of experience was a really nice reassurance that he was a good guy who was worth spending more time with.
If this happened at 25 weeks, would they not just deliver the baby and call it a premature birth? Or perhaps the husband at that point would want the wife kept going for the baby to develop more. 14 weeks is just so early and so much suffering for the husband to go through. Prolonging that agony for AGES against his…
I am definitely interested to know if they have said anything about the oxygen deprivation though. I wonder how long she was without? There's oxygen in the blood obviously and that's how the baby gets it, so I wonder how long what is there could sustain a fetus...
Sounds like you need an "in case of pregnancy, please transfer to me to ____ state" and have it be one of the 38 (?) that don't do this!
Viability is not debatable at 27 weeks. There isn't a 100% chance of survival (which there isn't even at 40 weeks), but viability is considered greater than 50% chance of survival I think. That's why it's at around 24-25 weeks, that's when there is a 50/50 chance of surviving premature birth. With a huge possibility…
This whole thing is horrific, but I feel the worst for the husband. He has to deal with the semi-death or oncoming death of his wife AND deal with stupid anti-abortion protesters. That is more than one person should have to deal with.
I hadn't had PiV before I met my husband, I was 26 then. We had only been dating 3 or 4 weeks at the time, he didn't freak out or care when I told him. It wasn't really a big deal, he eventually confessed that he'd only had one partner before me anyway. Not everyone has sex in their teens, or even their early…
Our snow is gorgeous. I am smug about that.
I am hoping to be living in Minnesota next year and I really don't know what to do with -50 degree wind chills. I mean, what? Presumably what you do is just stay inside right? No work, no school? Or does life carry on as usual at -50? How does one dress for going out in -50? Mind boggling.
Ah true, could be. He needs to be more clear as that is a HUGE difference. No sex, versus no sex before marriage.
Trying to imagine drinking WHILE fornicating... it just seems messy. I spill wine on myself when I'm upright and not being screwed at the time, during sex I'd be spilling more than I consume and twinsmommy does. not. waste. wine.