I think it's hilarious that it took them so long to get to Jennifer. You go Jinger before Jennifer????
I think it's hilarious that it took them so long to get to Jennifer. You go Jinger before Jennifer????
I like the name Aiden too. It's too bad it's gotten buried in consonants recently.
And now that it's a thing that every kid is named Jayden, Braeden, Cayden, Aiden, etc I laugh whenever someone names their kid that anyway. Maybe 10 years ago fine, but now that it's a joke??
I call this "The Rise and Fall of Michael."
I was a gymnast from ages 5-18 when I hurt my back and had to quit (and went to a college without a team). I was competitive, but only on a state level not national. Several parts of my body are still fucked up nearly 15 years after quitting. Sciatica and other back pain, messed up knees, a messed up finger. Good…
I would never even think of doing it in front of someone who is not my husband or my family. And really I wouldn't have done it in front of either of them before I met my husband, but he's a let it all hang out type person.
My husband always lets out loud ones when he's sleeping and I always wonder why he doesn't wake himself up!
Happy, healthy 2 year olds. He and I are exhausted, but happy. Thank you!
I initially read that post and wondered if "miscarrying" was some kind of really weird slang for pooping because the two situations are so dissimilar that I couldn't reconcile it.
What you said there about a good partner is so true. Going through hospitalization for preeclampsia which led to my boys having to be born at 29 weeks with my husband by my side really showed us what we can do together. The birth and the NICU stay was the most stressful insanely scary thing either of us had ever been…
Egg freezing solely due to "I don't want kids yet" and no real medical reason, I'm not so sure about, but having done the infertility thing it would be nice if some of that was covered by more insurance plans. I did 1 round of clomid and timed intercourse, 3 IUIs and 1 round of IVF to have my children. It cost us well…
Damn he's a smart guy to make you sign up for all that when it's all rainbows and making out!
I think how hilarious that is way overrides how embarrassing it is. That's some awesome teasing material there. That particular one hasn't happened to me, but we have had some awesome fart sounds from our chests being sweaty and rubbing against each other. I love that when that happens once we both ignore it, but if…
I think the only times I have farted out of my control were when I've been laughing really hard and I'd been holding them in. Though I'm not too gassy on that end, I'm more about the burping.
Ahhhhh, your husband looked??? Mine came into the room when they were checking to see if I was numb and he said he saw a splash of blood across the drape and averted his eyes and walked quickly to get by.
Ahhh, yeah, I suppose afterwards thinking about it would be weird. Had I not had the section my husband had strict orders to stay by my head and he never would have wanted to be at the business end of things either. And the nurses and doctors see the poo all the time.
Our fart excuse is "was that a duck? Is there a duck nearby?"
LOL at the idea of not burping in front of your partner. I better never have a soda again. I'm the burpiest and proud of it! Also, he just laughs as he's the gasiest and that's way worse.
I had a c-section, but for the giving birth thing you would have WAY WAY bigger things to deal with and probably wouldn't even notice. I think in most cases where you are forced to poop in front of someone there is probably something bigger going on (being held at gunpoint perhaps??).
My husband farts in front of me (even though I wish he wouldn't!!!!), but would never, ever let me enter the bathroom if he's flossing. I have NO idea what his deal is but no way, no how. Peeing? Sure, come on in. But flossing, no way!