
<- From Amazon (prices for each game). Just buy them used and stop supporting this crap.

yikes look out bro. the edgy 14 year olds who exclusively listen to dad rock are coming to attack you because you like a person they hate even though they’ve literally never met him. oldmanyellsatcloud.jpg

Who knew Ye was a gamer? I didn’t.

that’s awesome. Yeezy is the best

That is officially what they’re saying - that they’re remaking the original game. But Kotaku went for the complexity joke. :)

After playing both the PS3 and PC version i think the console controls are better. The feeling of having direct control of you character definitely adds to the experience. Though I think both are fine and have definitely played more of the PC version of the game.

Literally every time a new Tekken game goes into production, Harada is flooded with Twitter and Facebook requests from fans asking to make a new character in their country of origin.

I'm German/Jewish(weird mix I know lots of grandparent heat there) so I'm white ass white but I've heard complaints of minority characters being skin modified white people before. I can't relate but my ex-girlfriend who was Spanish/black pointed out the minute features different in races/mixes(noses, eyes, lips etc)

Whew, finally. Hideo Kojima isn't going to make MGS anymore. He's going to leave Konami. We can all finally stop with all of our twittering and pleading and hashtagging and Facebooking and snail mailing and regular e-mailing and pigeon carrierin—*remembers Silent Hills existence*

Ohh shit! He can't leave Konami yet!

God I wish they never released this demo. Type-0 is a really really fun game I'm loving it. Apart from the disjointed storyline the game is just as fun and fast as Crisis Core felt.

I get that you are excited for the game, I do. I am too...A LOT!

I bought Type-0 and got a demo with it for free!

Well you did buy type-0 anyway but just sold it back. You also have played it before and actually reviewed it but gave it a not so good review. I still disagree with your review specially with how you mentioned it being too hard and you dying a lot as a negative but that's your opinion.

And if you think it's ridiculous to pay anything for a demo, look at it this way: In Japan, a movie in the theater costs about 1800 yen (about $15) for two hours of fun. I have gotten more than two hours of fun out of the Final Fantasy XV demo already and—thanks to people figuring out how to break the demo and explore