
One strategy that may help is breaking students off into smaller discussion groups at least 50% of class discussion time. A lot of research has shown that young boys tend to bond in large groups, and are then encouraged to compete for the alpha position, while young girls tend to break off into smaller, more

It’s interesting how it seems so normal to us for “political wives” to adapt to the role of “poised bystander”, and how Bill seems to be having a little trouble doing the same. I rarely see him looking perfectly quaffed, donning the empty plastic smile, and extending one arm around the children so as to exude generic

I’m glad they extended it, but 12 weeks is a pretty unrealistic amount of time with which to bond with/breastfeed a child. It’s so hard to find good childcare for babies. Also, little babies should have at least 6 months to a year of full time caregiving from a parent. I would argue that parental leave should extend

*edit: I oversimplified when I said that the military doesn’t provide childcare. They do, but there are still a lot of barriers that disadvantage women (like being wait-listed or women not being able to take work breaks to properly breastfeed young children) that need to be addressed. It’s kinda’ beside the point, but

You two are both right.

Agreed, Palin “trumps” them all.

I will never forget how my 12 year old self got through an entire academic unit of TKAMB without knowing what a “chifforobe” was.

I just wanted to let you know that by far the nastiest and least productive comments on this thread are, in fact, yours.

I’m sort of looking forward to Cruz or Trump, just because they are so bat-shit crazy and out of touch, even for republican nominations, that I have it in my mind that there is no way that they won’t be defeated.

You make a good point about black/latino voters. But, I think that once the Sanders campaign starts to focus on his civil right record and his almost perfect marks from the ACLU and the NAACP, we might see a turn around on that front.

If you think back to the Obama campaign, people elected him based on a platform of “hope” and “change”. This proves that voters want to see real and substantial movement, which, fair or not, Bernie represents.

Enjoy your illusion of democracy, suckers!

“Seeing a woman in power improves the lives of all women.”

I never said that “republicans help the poor”. What I said is that republicans tell the poor that they will improve their standard of living by reducing taxes, thereby supposedly increasing their take-home pay. It’s easy for low income people to buy into this idea when they are living paycheck to paycheck. This is why

Hey! I found half the answer to this question. Yes, organic matter (AKA: poop or algae caused by pollution) and chemicals (from dumping) can make water more acidic.

You could be totally right about this. But, if the water didn’t have to be treated this way, then wouldn’t this be a non-issue (leading back to the environmental situation as the culprit)? Or, is the condition of the water irrelevant to how it was treated? I don’t know the answer to this question. I thought you or

Right-it seems to me like there is some deflection going on here-a “Let’s not talk about” the most important element of this story tactic. Namely, the environmental catastrophy, and lack of regulation, that has led to drinking water with unsafe levels of lead.

Ummmmm....I am a woman. I don’t really know how to respond to that, but I will try. :)

Oops, you are right! Technical accordion collapse/click error. :)

With respect, I don’t agree that Bernie can’t win against republicans. If you look at his political career, it was support from rural republicans that put him in office to begin with.