
Damn, I'd really love her as Storm. Hopefully they can do some finagling or call her by another name but still have weather powers.

*falls to knees* Nooooooooo! Unless something truly fantastical happens in future marvel movies, I'll never be able to see one of my favorite MCU characters kicking ass ever again.

I still have hope for a good Dragon Ball movie and anyone who says otherwise is probably forgetting how the landscape of modern blockbusters is populated by equally goofy source material and that DBZ was mostly a Japanese parody of those same American comic book heroes

Well I for one greatly disliked Moffat's run and am very excited to see something fresh happen to the series.

so the real title to this article should be: Tina Fey doesn't believe she should own up to any possibly problematic jokes she makes, internet will continue to praise her as a feminist icon despite her thinking you're all over-sensitive idiots. but i guess that's too long.

smushnames gets even more awkward when you think about dbz fusions names in the semi-meta Boo season.

i absolutely adore this show - near every little bit of it to the point i'm almost blind to being critical about it - but there are definitely things to say about some problematic elements that this article address.

im assuming the 'other side' is canon representation confirmed by creators and challenging roadblocks set in place by their distributor instead of some straight white dudes mocking and exploiting lgbt community and fans alike?

something horrific has happened to every character in the series both male and female including both the male leads. the only exception being Pernell (Jack Crawford's boss) a woman and arguably Freddie Lounds (also a woman) coming out of the show reasonably unscathed. Throw in the two (male) lab techs and wow wouldn't

Actually ridiculously happy nobody chose True Detective

has anyone checked the full list to see if Hannibal has at least gotten a technical award or should I not even hope for that minimal amount of justice?

i'm very happy it ended this way. i can live with a show i don't care about winning for innocuous reasons that mean nothing to me as it paints the overall tournament as something ridiculous and to be not that invested in.

i feel like getting worked up over this is ridiculous for multiple reasons but if it means anything to anyone Vulture named the Hannibal finale Mizumono the best episode of the year (and Hannibal as best drama of the year) in an awards venture that at least makes more sense.

I'm stuck between agreeing with this and completely baffled by the words 'The Grove was a good episode'

They have an interesting similarity to their appearance that I feel should be further explored by pressing their faces together in an erotic fashion.

let's be honest, the only real use for The Blacklist is the much needed ratings and ad revenues it gives NBC so they're distracted enough to not cancel Hannibal before its time.

Pretentiousness usually implies a level of arrogance though and I never get that from Hannibal. Maybe it's the humility of Bryan Fuller and his down-to-earth cast, but I never once feel looked down on or pandered to when I watch it. Or unjustified when it asks me to think harder than other shows.