Cremaster and Commander

the camerawork was indeed impeccable (that top-down shot of Madison running through her house was superlative) and the dialogue was indeed absolutely atrocious (Sidney’s line about foetuses may genuinely be one of the worst ever written or performed)

I don’t think it’s a matter of jumping to conclusions. The show is, in my humble opinion, pretty obviously characterizing what David did as a “kick the dog” moment into potential villainy, and I didn’t get the impression that Hawley or the writers were trying to justify it. I think the season was supposed to end on a

Now playing

Dude’s great. Been addicted.

Current favorite:

This. The SK manipulated Syd, and then he manipulated David against himself so that he was almost completely hating himself, and believing he was delusional and didn’t really deserve love like any other person. I fully believe that ‘all this already happened’ and future Syd has lived this timeline, so the only reason

I’m 100% on Team David. I didn’t like the choice of the assault angle, but I’m choosing to believe that everyone else is deluded more than likely by the Shadow King.

I use ‘wookie’ instead of ‘bear’.