
Dude. From one constantly-stared-at-gaijin to another, thank you for writing these articles. You may get shit from people who've never been to Japan/believe it's some otherworldly exotic paradise, but for people who've lived here long enough for "real life" to set in I can say that you capture the bittersweet mix of

@The_Red_Spectacle: Exactly. I had lots of fun reading the different descriptions of the punishments/rewards. They were all really funny.

Notice to RSSOwl users (and possibly others): Updated my feed's link with the new VIP link and it deleted all my saved/pinned articles. If this happened to you too, use the fix here ([]) to reload the profile and make the new VIP feed a different feed entirely.

Blasphemy! 8bit Megaman is the heart and soul of Megaman. The 16 bit titles were great on their own but can't compare to the NES originals.

@0300078: This is a good point though. I doubt Apple will ever have a strong gaming device because that's simply not where their focus is. They want to bring revolutionary, user-friendly computing to people, and building a leading gaming platform is at best a second priority.

@BishopBlaize: Ditto. Besides the annoying Mac startup sound is there anyone with a PC that used startup sounds past say 1999?

@Archaotic: Ditto. I'm not sure if it was just the quality of the video but I couldn't see any difference beyond everything being brighter and shinier.

I truly enjoyed reading your articles. Thank you for all you've given us Kotaku readers while you've been here

@TRT-X: Exactly. Give gamers the experiences they missed out on instead of leaving them pining after high-price point rare games that were under produced. I'm looking at you Panzer Dragoon Saga.

This...actually worries me. I was hoping we'd see fewer characters like Lolicon-bait Sonny from MGS4 in future MGS games, not more.

@Y-bot: Thank you for posting that list of magical wonderfulness. I second that any of these would be a better choice than CAD. Particularly Mcninja

@Hey_Blinkon: Exactly. This IS a problem both with Australia's government, for having a law that gives such huge power to one man, and the Australian voters who keep him in office.

@Benguin: I've only caught it from a couple of videos he's done for the site. The accent and all.

@WhiteMåge: I guess claiming to be a gaming comic at one point in time gets you a lifetime membership to this article. It's not even funny.

@curtdogg: And so begins this week's "CAD is not a gaming comic" thread. Which I totally support.

@MellowJade: It's nothing women are doing, it's a cultural phenomenon. Adults are incredibly stressed out from the high pressure work environment, men have a traditional ideal of romance that's unrealistic to ask a grown woman to fulfill, and the anime/video game industry is catering to that desire with escapist

@Miraho: Here here. It couldn't have happened to a nicer piece of software.

@Matthew Weflen: I'd also suggest they work on the physical longevity of their hardware. I'm on my 3rd PS2 and counting...

@WhiteMåge: Seconded, thirded, etc. CAD has no place on this page and it's just wasting space, Kotaku.