
“Right to bear arms”... unless you’re black, then it’s, “Obligation to bear nothing that would discomfort the white conservative.”

CP. It’s a minivan with none of the minivan’s Sport and with most of the Utility taken out.  (no sliding doors and it isn’t tall enough to really walk in.)  And it gets worse gas mileage on top.

Except the right-wing media ARE the terrorist organizers.

“We’ll plug in block heaters and trickle chargers so our ICE cars will start, but plug in an electric? No way!”

They have issue with Republican drunks: where the violent, foul-mouth, racist, self-entitled inner two-year old comes out and won’t shut up.

The Halftime show often seems to be trash because they focus on spectacle instead of music. The musical performances are sooooooo bad that nothing else can make up for it. They might as well just shut up and bring out monster trucks and pro wrestlers at that point.

This is something a flight simulator can help with.

You shouldn’t need a sign to not get shot.  “Not getting shot” should be the default.

Perhaps instead of protests that involve looting the local Target, y’all should start with ones that involve shooting the local governor.

Pretty simple: Pass a law that any unauthorized vehicles blocking access in a state of emergency become the property of anyone willing to move them. Then just have the police run protection for the residents and commercial tow operations hauling the trucks away.

The point of abusing depressants is to get yourself to the point where you’re about to black out and collapse. You’re telling me you’ve never gotten “falling-down drunk” before? It’s pretty fun.

Ah, but here’s the thing: The base’s ability to threaten the cops only exists in a zone between a failing liberal democracy and the right-wing fascist police state, where the cops just murder anyone who gets uppity.  So the protestors attacking the cops is only an ideological problem for cops who value a liberal

>Chalk it up to the novelty of EVs, maybe.

>police refused to follow that possible lead.

Now playing

Yup, the way to get God-tier recommendations is to delete your entire junk-filled history and then to recreate it while curating it, deleting any individual videos of a type you don’t want to be recommended. (like if you watch a movie trailer but don’t want to get recommendations for other movie trailers, go in and del

Once again we have convenient narratives with absolutely no critical thought — a theme for both the far-left and far-right.

I’d like to see what $100 worth of sound deadening would do for it.

I think two of the small ones in white would look fine.

>The bus is powered by a 9-liter Detroit Diesel 6V92 two-stroke V6. These made 210 to 282 HP

You’re forgetting that he knew what he meant.