It’s too far down the line for anyone sensible to care about.
It’s too far down the line for anyone sensible to care about.
(to continue) The issue isn’t the high pitch (yousa goes higher in her clear voice), it’s the nyan-speak that’s so extreme it sounds like a cat is being strangled.
As someone who listens to Chinese pop music on a regular basis, I have to say... perhaps some cultural things should just be left to die. (like British food.)
Britney Spears always struck me as eternally immature, spoiled trailer trash; and her outbursts fit that like a glove.
It’s a reminder that the bottom 50% are REALLY dumb and they can be convinced that anything (even evil) is good if you just word it like it is.
Snowboards all over. Why didn’t someone think to hold one over the pipe to deflect the water?
I had a ticking squeak in the top of my rear door, which is right by my ear since I sit with the seat leaned back a bit. Tried sticking things into the gap to try to pry the door card away from the metal, to no avail. I finally just gave it a huge squirt of WD-40 and that fixed it.
They probably could’ve dragged the plane out of the way faster than pulling the pilot out. Light singles are remarkably easy to move.
China is a manufacturing juggernaut, and because they execute people for corruption instead of rewarding them like the US, they can more than afford this. $1.5 billion for 6.6 miles when the Big Dig cost $20 billion for 1.5 miles. A few million for LED replacements over the next 30 years is a tiny price compared to…
This is wrong. You can choose the form of payment for rendering goods and services, but once it becomes a debt then you must accept any legal tender.
Enthusiast... of what?
There is no “you break it, you buy it,” rule. The tow agency would simply be responsible for the damage. Given it hit an area that’s usually a jack point, the amount of damage could very well be $0. A jury might give $20 for scraping an unseen area.
>shouldn’t backlash be directed at people trying to alter their image to achieve a look of an outside culture
By the GIF he’s also he’s filming the whole thing going down and looking back at the plane. (not going to give him a view by looking at the video)
The DEMONcrat war on Christmas will never end!
Beyond being a stupid publicity stunt, this relies on false economy as well. Just because a replacement “costs as much as the car is worth,” DOESN’T MEAN IT ISN’T ECONOMICALLY WORTHWHILE.
Yes, white society has no issues with brown people wage slaving under a white foreman and sees no reason to shoot them so long as they accept that situation.
>not instantly shot.
Nothing’s wrong. Texas just doesn’t cotton to that “librul edjumacation” brainwashing that says you need some “title” nonsense. The only thing you need to keep your car is a gun to shoot anyone who tries to take it!
Eh, a stable, smoothly-accelerating single-gear AWD electric is not the same as a hopping RWD manual ICE with a torque curve that looks like the Rocky Mountains. A smalls skid with one rear wheel can make the ICE head right for the wall with nothing to compensate because the fronts aren’t even on the ground to steer. …