
Owning a huge tank because you have a small pee-pee doesn’t really constitute a “culture.

How is this about revenue if it specifically exempts stock?  The only way any enforcement officer is going to know you have an exhaust loud enough to disrupt the quality of life is by hearing that you have an exhaust loud enough to disrupt the quality of life, so it only targets people ruining the quality of life. 

Huh?  Do cars in New Jersey come with built-in pizza warmers?

Or just use Sylvania headlight restorer to get everything in a single kit.

Because it’s easier to identify something that’s problematic on the very charging front (like calling repeatedly being able to have sex, “racketeering”) than to need to delve far deeper into the case to find problematic witnesses, prosecution behavior, etc., and be faced with a much greater uphill battle as appeals

You just don’t seem to know how percentages work.

Seems like a stupid design compared to just a set of metal guardrails that are pinched in the middle. Scraping paint is going to be less damage than tearing out the undercarriage, and people are going to be able to judge fitting between two walls better than navigating between objects at the corners of their car,

Sometimes I wonder how some people get by. You can’t follow a conversation that an average 2nd grader wouldn’t have a problem with. Exactly how many false notions are you dealing with that you can’t figure out where to begin to untangle them?

No, the % stays the same.  If the error is 0% at 60 it’s 0% at 160.

Speedos don’t just suddenly decide to go off the rails after a certain point.  If it’s accurate at 60, it’s accurate at 160.

If Jeff Bezos were to pay $1 billion for a 1985 Ford Escort because it was his first car, that does not make $800 million for a 1985 Ford Escort a NP since it’s 20% under market.

Yup. I didn’t give consent for there to be touch screens in cars. I didn’t give consent for there to be turn by turn directions that turn people into such zombies that they’ll drive into lakes. I didn’t consent to being part of a climatological experiment on the release of CO2. I didn’t give consent for their to be

My HUD exactly matches every radar speed limit sign I come across.

Nope, the speedo in my car is dead on.

Of course they’re covering it, because now they’ve moved to blaming Teslas for having batteries that burn and for having doors that can jam in a high speed lateral impact.

How bad is the aero on these things?  My 260HP Grand Prix will do 158.

It’s a luxury car, and luxury cars are luxurious. A luxury car is not just a tin-can WRX with more buttons and wood trim, it’s an experience.

Weep for the jobs lost from just one of these:

Anyone else notice that with all the right-wingnuts in here the average vocabulary level has dropped precipitously from the average Jalopnik article?

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You seem to be presuming that women are only valuable for sex. If that’s your actual belief, I feel sorry for you. Women are a bundle of aesthetic wonders inside a package that’s very nice to look at.