
>the Maverick really brings it when it comes to colors:

While it does have a ton of room for both seated people and gear, it doesn’t compare to a minivan even being 2 whole feet longer. Due to its inferior packaging its interior space is cramped compared to what you get in a minivan with stow and go seating. A Suburban can fold its seats down to the level of the seat base

It’s probably that he’s lying about the facts so he can be the conductor of an anti-Tesla online army. Tesla being strictly liable for correctly advertising the state of the product and having failed in their responsibility does not make every negative narrative you can invent about them true. To say, “This was a

Feds needs to charge him with domestic terrorism and civil rights violations.  Can’t ride your bike without being assaulted because its viewed as “lefty”?  That’s domestic terrorism.

When was the last time anyone saw a tow truck that *wasn’t* a flatbed? I suppose they’re still used by the shitstain corps that snatch cars, but around here every call for a tow will bring out a flatbed.

Nope. Companies are given a ton of leeway in naming.

Israel serves as a lightning rod for Islamic terrorism. If the Muslims didn’t have the Jews to be racist against, they’d be killing more white Christians. Israel is a high security police state so the rest of the West doesn’t have to be.

Yup, my sister’s 2002 has 250k and it still drives like new. The shifter feels like it’s just broken in.

As someone who’s passed emissions 3 times now with a cleared CEL, I have to say you don’t know what you’re talking about.

The Buick’s supercharged 3.8L V6 makes more power than an Expedition’s 4.6L V6 and as much as its 5.4L V8.

Is it time for the Zyklon B?

That “right” ends up only being expressed as your ability to fly an ultralight without a license.

A lot of people don’t watch TV anymore. Without the constant car commercials keeping you up to date on the models and styling, you lose that knowledge.

Yeah, for some reason guys with pickups with 5 foot beds think they’re the end all and be all of hauling, when they’re actually outdone by *everything* bigger than a Smart.

Stupid rule you’ve made for yourself.

The jug of Mobile 1 in the same picture implies there aren’t any issues. Current oil leaks are easier to spot on a clean engine, too.

The jug of Mobile 1 in the same picture implies there aren’t any issues. Current oil leaks are easier to spot on a clean engine, too.

I doubt there’s many franchises that have the volume to make a profit off them. When I worked at McDonalds many moons ago we sold almost no ice cream. The machines were very involved to clean and reassemble, and you’d have to throw the unused mix out after a few days.

What burns me is this took two years because the previous DA thought “he didn’t have enough evidence of a crime.”  What exactly do you call the dead body?  Why is a black man presumed guilty of having committed a crime so heinous so as to warrant extrajudicial execution just to protect the presumption of innocence of

For the people voting NP on this: Did you also vote NP on the $20,500 2008 CLS 63 a couple days ago? Because for this $36k you could have had that, $10,000 set aside for repairs, plus enough left over to buy a shitty used pickup and sawzall the roof off it.