
Not surprised it’s a woman. A man would’ve take a single paddle stroke to move out of the way of the oncoming tire.

The 991 GT3 RS has no sound deadening, rear seats, and has a roll cage, too.

That’s not a workable definition. If you drive drunk, are you to get off because you were to drunk to consent to drive? Are all the Nazis who are getting violent on airlines lately after a few drinks to be forgiven because they are now not able to consent to being carried by the airline and so are just fighting off a

To tell us that a fly is an insect, not a bug?

You went Trump in both 2016 and 2020.  I’d say, “Installing a Nazi dictator,” is a bit worse than “groping a flight attendant,” bad.

Glad to see he switched to an automobile befitting his heritage.

Set it up for max acceleration and handling and it was such a smooth driver.

Reminder: Every turd you drop is unique, and if you’re careful in scooping them up out of the toilet will be in pristine condition. That doesn’t make them valuable.

Now playing

If you’re going to insist that American music is the only music, you should at least pick someone with talent:

You’re a retard. Chip fabrication capacity is built out to expected demand because these fabs cost multiple billions of dollars each to construct and it makes zero financial sense to build capacity that will sit idle. When COVID hit and the demand got hit by a double whammy of people sitting at home wanting gaming

What you don’t understand is that Musk gets things done because he doesn’t buy into this idea of “reality.”

Now do the math on all the companies currently taking a loss.

This is mid 00's minivan money. (and not dirty, stripped, janky RHD converted one)

No, copyright also covers similarities to the original work. I cannot encode someone else’s song in MP3 and claim it’s my original work because it’s not identical to the original, but my own discrete cosine transformed take on it. Copyright protects it. And copyright doesn’t just protect a work as a whole, there are

Why does it have an underbite?

Instead of waterboarding, we should’ve just used that video.

Put bigger motor on Leaf.

Yet cars all have seatbelts, airbags, headlights, and turn signals. (not that anyone in MA knows how to use those)

“Virtue signaling”: a phrase used by people who think their constant evil-signaling is what Jesus would’ve done.