You know these stores have parking lots and cities have parking garages, right? What better place for charging infrastructure than where people congregate to park?
You know these stores have parking lots and cities have parking garages, right? What better place for charging infrastructure than where people congregate to park?
>My guess is that next year we’ll see more cars from the 2010s
Maybe he thought it took diesel because it’s “European.”
I bet you also think the dress is white and gold.
The auto “journalists” are letting the tail of haters wag the dog.
It’s humorous that Nazis really are clueless how naked they are.
Wow, imagine thinking this is news. The Tesla haters will really go to any length.
How about 20% just stop being so fat and out of shape that they can’t lift a 5lb cable?
Clean air, clean water.
\\meant to reply
No no no no no no no. Batteries are manufacturing capacity constrained and this is not the best use for them. The grid integration is meaningless at this point since we don’t have the renewable percentage to need it, and flow batteries will be cheaper and work just as well since that application isn’t energy density…
So the engine is about the price of an entire Japanese bike sporting 121HP. And the entire Japanese bike probably weighs less than the engine as well.
Easy fix: Legalize the 2nd Amendment Stand Your Ground right to shoot anyone driving one.
And we don’t have “triple your money back”, either. Instead it’s “pay triple the amount you spent on a lawyer, to only get the difference in value back.”
My Grand Prix GTP has 260HP and no torque steer. You can feel the electronics doing something to keep it in check when you turn the wheel while accelerating since the effort isn’t linear, but you can take your hands off the wheel and it will track perfectly straight.
The Sylvania headlight restoration kit is good shit. I did my sister’s car last September and they still look new, and her car is parked outside in a mall parking lot all day.
“Approved” doesn’t necessarily mean “every line of dialogue was gone through.”