
“well-built building”

Correction: Killed.

no, Eric would wear socks under the sandals....ugh

That’s exactly what I said above

“This is really the best-built building in history. Unfortunately, we spent too much on gold leaf to afford sprinklers.”

Here is exclusive footage of Eric Trump delivering that insurance check.

Can’t imagine the stink of all that gold-painted particleboard and plastic going up in flames.

Can’t even let something like this go by without finding a way to polish your own knob in the process, can ya Donnie? Fucking prick.

His building is made out of beautiful clean coal. To this day it’s a mystery why it keeps catching on fire.

I wonder if FEMA will show up and Trump has a photo op passing out paper towels?

I like buildings that don’t catch on fire.

He tweeted out that his building was okay within 30 minutes. How long did it take for him to acknowledge and then gloat about California’s wildfires, again? Over a week?

It took him a week or two to tweet about the fires north of San Francisco and LA last Summer that killed four dozen people and destroyed more than 10,000 structures, including destroying entire neighborhoods in Santa Rosa and helping trigger a massive mudslide in Santa Barbara county that killed two dozen people.

Insurance job.

Finally- a non self-inflicted joke about the 45th American presidency.

The fact that he had to point out how well his building is built, despite someone being seriously injured tells you just how egoistic this maniac is.

If only it turns out there was a dumpster involved in the fire, the metaphor will be perfect!

Unconfirmed reports is the flaming debris consisted of campaign documents requested by the special council.

Hope all is fine for the folks affected, but FUCK, the analogy to Trump’s presidency is not lost on me.

More than that, it’s the free flow of ideas: enough people thought “yeah, she SHOULDN’T have a tv show, and I’ll avoid enabling her in response to her behavior.” Small wonder that “people should act on their beliefs” is threatening to a fairly vapid tv Star.