Vote: woot!
Vote: woot!
VOTE: Monoprice 8323 Premium Hi-Fi DJ Style Over-the-Ear Pro Headphone
Do you know if that site is reliable to use. Thanks.
Alternatively, you could use an older browser like Internet Explorer 6 which comes default in Windows 7's XP Mode. Once you login, a page should come saying you should upgrade. Don't. Instead click "Return to a previous version of Yahoo! Mail" which should always take you to the previous version in any browser. Just…
Generation X must miss Reagan a lot
Same here, I thought I was the only one. They shouldn't use the same process for a different tab anyway.
VOTE: Handwritten
I did this a few months back, but I also added a new tab page like Speed Dial and such.
It had said life instead of live earlier. I should have written that for later commenters.
Is the title supposed to be "App Deals of the Day: Tell the Time and More With A Free Live Wallpaper App for Your Android Phone"?
I don't use Netflix, but all it seems to do is add a homebrew channel which lets you run and install homebrew.
I just tried a few DVDs with WiiMC and it just showed invalid DVD. I'll keep tweaking around to see if I can get it to work.
I did this a few days ago on my Wii with the intention of being able to play DVDs. Unfortunately, I found out that I own a newer Wii which can't play DVDs at all. *sigh* I'll just see what other Homebrew hacks I can use.
The latest version is 4.3 which came out last year so you are good to go. Downgrading is not typically recommended because it can permanently brick your Wii.
Which is what Instructables has been doing for years and the reason I detest the site.
I saw this on several Giz articles as well, so I am pretty sure this change is Gawker wide; presumably to get more clicks. I don't think anyone really likes the gallery layout to begin with.
I do, but Gmail has a 5 account limit of accounts forwarding and Yahoo doesn't let you forward to another email unless you pay for a Plus account.
Nope, it just means that Facebook users spend 5 minutes on Facebook itself and 16 minutes playing Zynga games; thus since Google+ doesn't have apps and games yet, people spend less time on it than on Facebook.
I just got a new laptop and the only thing I copied over was my iTunes preferences and files. The important stuff was encrypted in my Dropbox ready to sync over. I prefer starting fresh without all the clutter and useless programs that I gained over time so I used Ninite to quickly install the must have software.