Thank you, this is a way better way of expressing my dubiousness over the situation
Thank you, this is a way better way of expressing my dubiousness over the situation
This Rob and Blac Chyna thing is legitimately the first time I’ve been truly interested in this family. Rob may be the most interesting of them all.
I wont claim to know the circumstances of this break up, but it sounds like for the past few years he has been the king of "WHATEVER BITCH ITS NOT LIKE I LIKED YOU ANYWAY"
I wonder if the Kardashians really feel like she is “preying” on Rob. Like, Tyga literally started sleeping with Kylie as a minor, and Blac Chyna is a predator?
“But a source notes there’s ‘concern’ that 27-year-old Blac Chyna is ‘preying’ on him ‘during a week time.’”
During Thursday evening’s Republican debate, Ted Cruz doubled-down on his condemnation of Play-Doh factory explosion…
Caitlin and Kris should be in jail for handing over their kid to a child predator. Yeezus I think Kylie aged out of his preference.
Thank you. You summed up my thoughts exactly. Tyga is the piece of shit here.
Especially considering he basically did the same thing with Kylie. Not surprised his interest in her would wane once she's of age.
So....I think the real issue here is Tyga. Forget this girl, forget Gloria Allred. They are not the issue or what we need to be writing about. We need to write about how Tyga clearly likes girls younger than 18 and he should be blasted by the media for this. Now, this poor girl seems to be having her name dragged in…
These comments are a shit show. They’re shaming a teen for looking more mature than 14. So So Gross.
“Tyga has been dogged in his pursuit of the minor (who does look older than her years in online photos)”
What the fuck is with all the rules? What is this, Dungeons and Dragons?
As John Waters said, there’s good bad taste and bad bad taste.
I wish people would stop appropriating other peoples tragedies for likes and retweets.