Twiddly Dee

This is the AV Club in its most honest form: professional media writers who actually hate the media they write about.

She's a party girl with a bad habit… a bad habit for drugs….

She's a party girl with a bad habit… a bad habit for drugs….

So complaining about racism when Lovecraft is in your username is, like, on purpose right?

So complaining about racism when Lovecraft is in your username is, like, on purpose right?

It's a good album. But, shit, some of the music it spawned….

It's a good album. But, shit, some of the music it spawned….

Why is it so incredibly hard for people to accept that different people like different things? And no, a sentence or two of handwaving doesn't change the tenor of this article. Have we really reached a point where we're so desperate to be flattered that we have to deny that alternative tastes exists?