The proper term for a collection of butt plugs is a stuffing. A stuffing of butt plugs.
The proper term for a collection of butt plugs is a stuffing. A stuffing of butt plugs.
That butt plug story reminds me of a young Helen Mirren.
As a Christian I feel uncomfortable with her showing off her breasts... because they prove that God loves her more than me.
I flew with my 6 month old at Thanksgiving and was so worried. My daughter was really quiet and happy until just before we started the descent, at which point she had a meltdown for some reason after the flight attendant talked to her. She screamed nonstop until I was able to stand up with her no matter what I did to…
Adam Levine hasn't painted puppies, I guess.
I want him dressed in an orange jumpsuit, in a cell.
This headline is how i feel every time jezebel writes another Miley story.
Seeing what happens to the women in my family, there are 2 things that can happen once I have children. Either what you just described or they'll blow up to DD's. I think I'd rather have the A's.
The Look : Skinny, white.
I have AdBlocker and I'm not seeing them.
Rye whiskey is the guy who says he's a feminist but is always telling you what your opinions are.
Isn't this a possibility when wrestling other boys too?
Sure they do!
This is hilarious. And heartbreaking. And nauseating. And clever. I loved it. I hated it.
Anyone with any interest in this story should listen to the Radiolab short "Adoptive Couple vs. Baby Girl", which further complicates the issue and makes it less about race and more about two loving sets of parents and one child.
This is such an extraordinarily complicated case with no winners.
My wife just got a pixie-ish haircut. Shortest it's ever been in her life. I get bishie sparkles whenever she walks into the room cause it looks so damn good.
I find this reprehensible but as a starving artist I still submitted for this contest. Here is what i did for:
Me too. Sadly all I can afford at the moment are apathetic ferrets.