Yup. The scary thing about racism is how deeply embedded it can be, even in people who consider themselves enlightened.
Yup. The scary thing about racism is how deeply embedded it can be, even in people who consider themselves enlightened.
Thank you. Dude. This photo is infuriating, and I expect more from this site. The woman is clearly showing the men behind her something on her phone, but the headline screams Scary brown men! Watch out, guileless white lady!
Well, I think it's because many of these people are Americans, and as subject to the Great American Wedding Fantasy as anyone else, even if they're also beholden to their own cultural traditions and expectations. They were little boys/girls and watched every Disney princess graduate into her white dress and learned…
My husband's family is Indian, and we had an official engagement ceremony about 10 months before our wedding. He'd already proposed western style (and even this wasn't a surprise, as we'd been discussing getting married and were already looking at venues), but the ceremony is a fairly binding public declaration of…
Edited cause I totally missed the "pubic." We kind of had a pubic proposal. And I'm super glad there were no photographers there.
I like mine. It's not perfect, but it leaks less than tampons and is more comfortable than pads for me. It took a couple cycles to get the hang of it. I found the Moon Cup to be a better fit than the Diva Cup.
Heh. He's a boy, but he still might be taking applications for BFFs.
OMG that was awesome and made my whole morning. Also, as he was running down the aisle, my 4-year-old asked, "Is that the President?" In a magical alternate reality, dear.
I was so distracted by the movie trailer in the advertisement that I couldn't even get to the piano playing. They're bringing back the Lone Ranger and Johnny Depp plays Tonto? WTF?
It seems a little extreme that you would completely deny a person a chance to have a relationship with their child/parent because you "don't know what kind of dude [you're] dealing with." Once that kid exists, and until they prove themselves unfit, it's the biodad's kid too, whether you like his family, or think he's…
And ostensibly the plans to attend Columbia pre-dated her decision to have a baby (and likely the pregnancy itself) and were probably known to the father - it's not like she was running away and denying contact/information. But I'm pretty sure that if they've decided to work with a mediator in arbitration rather than…
But declaring "father unknown" doesn't protect you legally in any way. If that person and/or his family decide to fuck with you, they still can. And perjury (which lying on a legal document technically is) is never going to help your case.
Yes, that seems straight up crazy. But I couldn't find anything about the case other than gossip magazine articles.. Do you have a source for this? Also, if something was determined in mediated arbitration, not a legal court, it does it actually set legal precedent?
Except that that's crazy. You should have a disinterested father sign over all his rights; just pretending he doesn't exist seems like you're asking for legal trouble/general misery in the future. Failure to acknowledge him doesn't prevent him from claiming custody rights in the future, nor, really, do I think it…
The example you give is pretty different - he was unable to compel her to have an abortion, but he does have a right to custody once the fetus becomes an actual kid. Whether he wanted a baby or not, the father does actually have some rights unless he signs them away - it sounds as if he wasn't really given a choice…
My kids and I want to know why she's so arbitrarily mean to the boy in blue.. I mean, he just wants to dance and drink juice and be her friend.
So much changes so fast. I co-slept with all of my kids - all reason told me there were ways to make it as safe as crib sleeping, there are some reported health benefits, and it's SO much easier to handle night waking/nighttime feedings. Plenty of cultures with almost non-existent incidence of SIDS co-sleep. But…
Sort of. There is increasing evidence that SIDS is actually caused by a congenital neurological disorder (which unfortunately is undetectable prior to autopsy) that prevents some babies' breathing from restarting when it's been disrupted. Blankets/pillows/drunk parents' limbs/etc. might temporarily obstruct airflow…
I love this and I am sad that no one gave me any awesome welcome boxes for my babies. I am going back in time and having all my babies in Finland. And then I'm racing back to sunny California to raise them. For the night is dark and full of terrors, yo.
And there it is. Magic, I tell you.