
We used to do a CSA box when I lived in SoCal. Every week my then 3-year-old would excitedly claim, "The produce is here! The produce is here!" and then we'd reverently unpack our treasures. I can't even tell you the racing feeling in my stomach when stone fruit season arrived.

Actually, I call myself vanilla. I readily admit I have super straight-forward sexual wiring: basically, Person I Like + Friction = Done! I've definitely had to go out of my comfort zone a little to tend to the much more complicated wiring of my partner.

GAH!! I'm so sick of people assuming that men who cheat do so because they have a sexually withholding spouse at home. Yes, some people cheat because they have sexual appetites not being met by their primary partner, but most research shows that a majority of men and almost half of women who have extramarital affairs

I was a little confused about that too - I had no idea anyone disliked Carmela. She was definitely one of my favorites.

Nope. Once you're past 30, all dreaming is off the table.

Saying hurtful things is bad, yes. Cruelty (and even a lack of sensitivity) is generally not a desirable feature in a mate. But I guess what I'm saying is I don't think deeming a body part unappealing is the worst insult there is. If I had a partner who thought I was stupid, there's no way I would hang around. Or

If a partner EVER says ANY part of you is "ugly" in a "joking manner" (let alone in a "serious" manner) get the fuck out.

Since my purse is likely to carry 1) miscellaneous crap I've wiped off of my children and am holding onto until I find a garbage can, 2) at least one set of pants that have been peed in (in a plastic bag, of course. I'm not a complete barbarian. Unless I've forgotten to bring a plastic bag and then I just try to

I sometimes wonder if the pursuit of the "real lives" of the people who do sex work isn't just a desire to further possess them - to take the fantasy past what they have provided the consumer with and into real life. Sites like and the other amateur scenes where the driving force is that these are

That's true of my kids too. On the occasions that I've had to bring my younger ones (especially the two year old) with me to volunteer in my first grader's class, the boys have been at least as eager to play with my little people as the girls. Two little boys were so distracted playing peek-a-boo with my toddler

I live in Berkeley, so we're somewhat ahead of this trend - my friend's daughter, Freya, will be starting kindergarten in September. My son's preschool class has an Athena, as well as an Odin. Who says we're godless here?

My older sister (then nearly three) wanted my name to be Beluga. She lost that fight, fortunately.

It happens to me too, and I have small boobs. It's from sleeping on your side. You can sleep on your back, but thus far I've decided I'd rather be wrinkly.

I have three, and other than when we travel by airplane (we don't fit in a row and have to split up, making pretty tricky with only one parent flying, as my oldest is 6), I don't find it markedly more stressful than two was. The kids entertain each other much of the time, so I do less sitting on the floor and playing

Ha! I have a similarly spectacular view of the Golden Gate Bridge from my kitchen window while I drink my tea - no sweating required ;).

Ugh. I'm exhausted and pretty much done with this, so here's the last thing I'm going to say in this dead end conversation.

Food waste is part of the unsustainable status quo. I'm not saying that meat eating can't be done sustainably, I'm saying that the way it is currently done is unsustainable. It's not about your right to fill yourself with toxic sludge. It's about your right not to be.

Yah, strict Jains don't eat anything you have to kill to consume, so root vegetables are out.

I'm saying that in order to feed people, you need to make a plan. You need to decide what to buy and what not to buy, and how much of it to serve to each person. At a school, that probably isn't the individual students and their families (beyond general input), because that level of democratic micromanagement would

I'm a little confused.. how exactly would you design school menus so that they don't "dictate" what and how much of it the kids eat? An infinite salad bar so that little Timmy can eat all the camel stomach and hibiscus tea his heart desires?