
ALL schools dictate what students eat, based on government guidelines. Do you think they arrived at taco Tuesday based on some democratic process? This school decided to make a change to their menu - they're not violating anyone's rights. Their meals still have to meet governmental criteria for nutrition (which

A bunch of chemical sprayed GMO ingredients is sub-optimal, but yes, I do think it's a lesser evil. Chances are, the meat that they were eating was fed exclusively on chemical sprayed GMO grains that's even less regulated than what humans can put in their mouths. So they're getting it one way or another. This cuts

Yes to the observant Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, and Hindus. But I fear the Jains are just screwed. No potatoes or onions or garlic or carrots or beets or..

I find all vegetarian proteins highly unappetizing.

Stop outing me, Jezebel. All of my friends think I'm this amazingly healthy eater with stainless steel willpower, when secretly I'm just a neurotic control freak whose issues periodically manifest in removing certain foods from my diet or fasting for some period of time.

Oh goodgoddamn. I've got nothing left to say I'm so furious.

And your way of putting all the women in your life into neatly defined categories is totally selfless and not egocentric at all.

I'm a woman, and I've basically only had relationships with people who were my friends first. I've had random one- or two- (or six-)nighters with non-friends, but all the real-deal loves of my life were friends first (and mostly friends after too). I don't do the dating thing, never have, and now that I've been

I know, it's not you. It just that between this and the fucking garbage gyres in the ocean and the caffeine and the sleep deprivation I kind of can't take it anymore.

I love to blame consumers and consumer culture, but the fact is, if you're a poor or lower-middle class parent trying to clothe yourself and your children, you're going to buy the least expensive thing. If you're busy and throwing things in your cart on Amazon, you just pick the least expensive option or the brand

I've been vacillating between fury and a disabling sense of impotence since this most recent murder-by-greed in Bangladesh. It doesn't really matter what percentage of my wardrobe is second-hand or US made. Fighting egregious disregard for workers' rights and safety with consumer dollars is slow and generally

The only time I EVER want tuna and/or tuna melts is when I'm pregnant, which, given the mercury content of most tuna, is like the worst time to have it. Other than that, I'm mostly vegan, and the combined smell of tuna and cheese conjures bile.

What's with needing help sweating? I sweat like a (insert particularly sweaty animal here) all the time. My back sweats. My butt sweats. My knees sweat. In a hot yoga class, even my shins sweat. I'm a sloppy mess five minutes into any workout and for 2/3 of the Californian year. I've always been like this - I used

I hate shaking hands. I have three small people and chances are pretty good that my hands are damp because I have to wash them like three grillion times a day with all the butts and sneezes and mud and fingerpaint and whatnot (and if they're not wet cause I've recently washed them, then probably they're carrying some

I don't have an issue with poly relationships/lifestyle, but I do have an issue with people who suggest that everyone not in one is repressed and either lying to themselves by denying their secret desires or lying to their partners by indulging them. Just because something works for you doesn't mean it's the salvo

Mom Jeans: Because you're not a woman - you're a MOM!

South Korea has the highest rate of plastic surgery in the world. The most common procedures are double eyelid surgery and jaw shaping (to achieve a "heart shaped" rather than square jaw). So the fact that these women all have a strikingly similar face and eye shape is not necessarily just the accident of an

The "lots of people figured out a long time ago" thing is BS. There are VERY few cultures with publicly sanctioned open relationships - this Utopian picture of some enlightened ancients who lived free of jealousy and had sex all Stranger in a Strange Land style is a fantasy. And marriage of one man to multiple women

"When a man gets depressed because he's not being touched, it's just like the little boy who stands in his crib and cries to be picked up."

Because social conditioning is a motherfucker.