I don’t think the situation is nearly that black and white but I can see how other people would view it this way. Either way, definitely not anything close to rape.
I don’t think the situation is nearly that black and white but I can see how other people would view it this way. Either way, definitely not anything close to rape.
I’m sure the police will acknowledge their mistake after this guy stabs a woman who just couldn’t recognize what a nice guy he is.
Lawyers are the ones that file restraining orders - police enforce them. She is doing the steps in the wrong order. She needs to contact a lawyer. Considering fighting games is all about combo sequences - that is ironic.
Reams of emails directly sent to an individual aren’t quite the same as public posts on a public forum that aren’t directed at anyone in particular. That said, if my posts have repeatedly annoyed you, I’m sure you could take it up with Kinja and see if they would ban me.
Hot take! Surely there is no content in this 100+ hour game.
Now all they need to do is add some content to make it playable.
Yes, but you have to take a running start, or it won’t work.
If you have the money, you can buy one for some sweet 3000 dollars. But it’s very prototype for the moment, the field of view is super low, it’s not super powerful... But... It will come, we make such progress all the time in technology, maybe in a few years, it will be far more powerful and satisfying to use!
Adam Lyre -> A damn Liar
There’s some evidence that a regressive tax rate (IOW, one in which people with lower incomes have a higher tax rate than people with higher incomes) works the best.
Yea, sorry if a came across as confrontational. Wasn’t my intention. Sorry.
But would a skating game without some anti-establishment feel to it be authentic? Feels very connected to the whole thing.
You don’t think science is politicized?
Don’t forget the people who live in generational poverty who have normalized it, and everything that comes with it, to the point where they retaliate against any sort of movement to try and alleviate it.
It’s actually become a point of pride to barely eke out a living. At least they “made it on their own”.
Yeah, you…
Except we can’t look away anymore. We live in a day where we bitch and complain about changes to any traditions in games.
If its hard for you to deal with as a Scandinavian, try living here as an educated person who isnt a selfish rich asshole. Im pretty firmly convinced that the wealthy in America dont just want to be rich, they want to make sure that they get proportionately richer than the middle class so they can dictate at will…
“Non-political” means you agree with all of the politics in the game.
It is funny, it always makes it a bit hard for me as a Scandinavian to play sim city and the like. The diffrent reaction towards taxation, healthcare and education is pretty foreign to me and it don’t come naturally to me. I don’t think the tax slider goes as high as the Swedish level.
Real question is: what would be the point, then?
Nope. It’s always a reflection of some part of society, either current or historical, seen through an author’s imagination. It’s impossible for any piece of fiction (or non-fiction) to be completely apolitical. People, by their very nature, have opinions. When creating, those opinions shine through.