I don’t know, I am perfectly okay with the red and blue party system.
I don’t know, I am perfectly okay with the red and blue party system.
“No one is happy.” Remember this. It will serve you well.
The next to last video of the love moment in Overwatch is BY FAR my favorite so far :DD
I feel like the Tommen kill is more of an assist.
Yeah, that’s why I never listen to music from before the year I was born. People are all being annoying like “oh, are these riffs reminiscent of original Mississippi blues?” or “are those Steve Vai arpeggios using Romantic era-style progression?” Instead I can just be like “ME ENJOY SOUND GOOD NO NEED FOR CONTEXT…
I find it astounding that some writers can get their stuff out in the time it took Martin to get a single book finished. I am at the point where I feel Martin had a great start, hit the middle, and just got bloated with too much material. And that’s where I feel it got really complicated for him.
I mildly enjoyed the Watchmen movie and V for Vendetta, then read the source material and realized both movies are inferior adaptations. I’m glad I did it this way because I wouldn’t have gained any satisfaction from the movies if I had read the comics first. I’m looking forward to reading A Song of Ice and Fire once…
Im almost done with “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms”. It’s the story of Sir Duncan the Tall and his squire Egg. Its gives some wonderful backstory to some important events in Westeros history. The origin of the Green and Red Apple Fossoway’s, the Blackfyre Rebellion, the origin of the throne. Its fantastic, and a must…
The Witcher books scratch the GoT itch somewhat, I think.
He’s the real next watercooler!
One could argue that America is run like a wild west themed park.......with many faulty rides. 2 sides of a coin that shouldn’t be in circulation.
Marcy Long better run for the damn hills before I get home..
I look at it like a band I used to listen to that changed their sound to something I can’t quite vibe to anymore. That’s alright with me, despite me not being interested in their new direction.
half life 4 confirmed
On the other hand, most of the competition is still on “Link just goes in your house and breaks pots for money! Isn’t that illogical? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL” territory which P.A. mined out 15 years ago.
What Norman Reedus was really cring about.
I wasn’t trying to “toss” the term around so much as lay it down beside you and tuck you two in together. Is it not cozy?
America's Prince is not impressed by your "royalty," UK.