You get a star too for helping
You get a star too for helping
That’s more or less what I assumed, but many thanks for clarification & confirmation.
Ahhhhhh, yes definitely. Thank you, that would have kept scratching at the back of my brain for weeks...
I don’t get it (I don’t really play a lot of online multiplayer). This persons team all logged out or something, so the other team let themselves be killed en masse? Please forgive my ignorance, and explain it to me like I’m a child.
I knew them all but the wristrocket that needed an update. And it still seemed really familiar?
I’m curious, did the $10 million in reshoots come before or after BvS bombed critically? If they came after, I wonder if this was maybe a better movie at some point, but they came in with a panicked wad of cash to try to make it “zanier” & ruined it in the process? (haven’t seen it, just reading reviews...)
Never heard of this comic before, but this seems great. Why isn’t this in the group every week?
Hahaha “from the streets”. This seems like a weird mash up joke idea of a movie.
I’ve loved this comic for years. Not sure how it works as a movie, but fingers crossed it turns out well. Excited.
It’s really not my intent to be offensive, but maybe you don’t entirely understand what a marketing ploy is? To me, that would be him sitting down and thinking “what silly bullshit can I crank out to get peoples attention?”. Or at least that’s me stretching my conception of marketing ploys & Kojima to try and meet you…
That’s just your opinion, and you’re entitled to it. I, however, love it. I want Kojima to get as weird as he possibly can.
I totally agree that attempts to broaden somethings demographic appeal often comes across as awkward and forced. After a few hundred years of equality being “the law”, but a myth in real life, our culture seems to be scrambling to live up to our stated ideals. For a long, long time we had a monochromatic culture that…
How about we just don’t agree with you? I’d rather have my privacy than justice after being mugged. I’d rather be raped than live in your nightmarish vision of everyone living self-consciously under a microscope.
You seem to not understand a whole bunch of things about society & human nature.
Presumably you’d be happier if it looked like a box of saltines?
You’re boring.
Nice try. I said he doesn’t ride forward until the arrows are shot, and your dumb ass tried to contradict me. After you went back and realized I’m right, here’s this lame ass attempt to change the subject. Thanks for the confirmation I’m right.
You’re a moron. Go watch it again.
He charged forward to try & save Rickon. He never decided to just charge the Boltons willy-nilly. He only started riding forward when they shot a volley of arrows, which is the smartest thing to do. Trying to turn around and head the other direction would have gotten him 10 arrows in the back.
“In case all the other GoT news hasn’t quite sated you...”