
Um, I think we’ve all had anonymous accounts for these reasons since e-mail first began. You can’t even look at anyone on LinkedIn without them knowing.

Why does every single person interviewed, regardless of their field, have a Mac Book Pro when Apple has less than 6% total market share?

Is there anything that will allow you to text back and forth from a computer to your own phone, without getting a second phone number?

I think all the sites should allow it (Tumblr shows how much people want it), but put it in a separate section and put some kind of lock on it that parents can use. So, for example, if you have Yahoo porn, or whatever, parents go there, lock the porn section with a password or something, then their kids can only get

...having delayed almost all gratification until that time. Even if you don’t die, which many do as you point out, you’re too old to enjoy many of the things you had been looking forward too for so many decades.

By life expectancy (which is actually going down now for the first time in human history), “middle age” is officially 37 years old. And in the second 37 years you won’t have nearly the energy you did in the first half.

Why all the attention on Trump legally disclosing classified information and none on Hillary ILLEGALLY disclosing it, thousands and thousands of times in her official capacity?

I loved the “Previously on...” and then they cut to an episode from 1963. That’s “previously” all right.

I agree with the commenters about “human resources.” I have never, ever had one good encounter with a human resources person or department, in good jobs or in bad. They truly are the enemy, as the commenters say. So much so, that I would argue they should not exist. Of anyone I’ve ever met, these are the most vile,

Rough sex can start with deeper, faster, harder and the rest just flows from there.

My brother has a duplicate copy of his life at our parents’ house, clothes, toiletries, everything.

Give it to a thrift store, someone will want it.

The people whose computers you’re fixing can’t be taught. Even the “how to get back into your e-mail” checklists don’t get used.

Or, just throw it away. Either way, you’re not helping or hurting the environment one bit.

Why would anyone buy Obamacare now? Almost all insurance companies are out of the Obamacare business, and the rest are expected to drop out in 2018. Plus if your income is high enough to be able to afford the premiums, you probably already have health insurance from your job.

I sold my very first script to HBO with an e-mail from the week after Christmas.

1950s clam dip, yum.

But “starwarrs” no one would ever get.

There is NO reason to bend to other people’s version of how you should be. If, for you, a man is him/his/he and a woman is her/hers/she, then that’s the way it is. Otherwise they are forcing you to be someone you’re not, without your consent.

I could spend ALL my money on going out to lunch with friends and be perfectly content.