
Not sure if serious and I should nitpick, but I'm an engineer and I can't imagine how that would happen. But even if it did, then her four year old could, I dunno, open the damn door when he realized it was getting hot.

What other opportunities to forget my children should I be avoiding? I go to sleep every night. I turn my back to cook dinner. I let them stay inside while I run out to the car to get groceries. Sometimes I go poop while my 4 year old watches TV. At any of these times I could completely space out and, I dunno,

He didn't direct his comments at a member of the gay community. If he had, would that have been worse? Yes. This wasn't the worst way he could have used those words. That means context matters.

So, what's extreme speech? Calling for an end to racial segregation was a pretty extreme idea at the time.

Does anyone have any clue why the community response hasn't been overwhelming slut shaming and circling the wagons around these assholes? And why the authorities are coming down like the righteous hand of god? What's going on here?

The glass ceiling comment makes her so gosh darn relatable! She's just like you! Bumping up against those damn glass ceilings. Her career has always been held back by the fact that all these barriers exist for women.

"She was also Greek. Super Greek. Her whole family was Greek."

One thing you notice when working on a Merc or 5- or 7-series BMW is that repairs are easier simply because they're bigger vehicles with top notch quality of how things are screwed together. Things don't break when you pull them apart. Good trim clips, fasteners that aren't under-sized, etc. They're complicated but

not act like a total creep

Dan, maybe if you stopped running your goddamn yap and focused on your job, Saginaw wouldn't be one of the top 10 most dangerous cities in the country.

Germans have an amazing history of using air suspension that just make life miserable for everyone. 300SEL 6.3, E39 Tourings, Allroad, etc. You'd think they'd learn.

porcupines have turn signals

WHAT TO TRADE An A6 AVANT FOR? Dude, the jokes just won't stop filling my head, but they all keep coming back to variations on a coupon for a therapist that specializes in PTSD and Stockholm Syndrome.

I've been tempted to do the opposite. Toss the M3 badge and put on one off of a 318i. Having that ///M3 stuck there attracts all the wrong sorts of attention from 20 year old dudes in anything even remotely sporty. SO MANY RICER FLYBYS.

Any Audi/VW V6 from the B5 on is an absolute horror show to work on. At least with the all-road you get the pleasure of moar powar.

Pity about the 16v. I had examples of the first four generations of GTIs, and the later 2.0l 16v A2s were by far my favorites. At a time when people called VW a "poor man's BMW", the 16v GLI I had was the only one that actually felt properly BMWesque.

You do realize that it's entirely possible (easy, even) to take an HDR photo and have it be almost indistinguishable from any other photo? There are types of photography that are almost impossible without it. Indoor architectural photography, some types of landscapes, etc. It's just an automated way of doing things

You can think of barefoot as weird, or you can think of shoes as weird. I think the best case you can make for VFFs is that there's minimal clinical evidence to suggest that shoes are better than barefoot. Doctors who recommend running shod are essentially recommending a 'treatment' without much scientific evidence

Little difference in the platforms? Really? The ability to use alternative (superior) keyboards, use different launchers that organize your home screen based on your location and usage patterns, automate how the device acts in different contexts, enable multi-user support, access the file system, use widgets, enable

If the goal is not to die and you live near fresh water, a filter takes up a LOT less space in your house and can be carried with you if you evacuate. Yeah, you're screwed if you're in a shelter-in-place situation, but for most of us that's a lot less likely than a simple interruption of the water supply.