
It's the tires, probably not the ride height causing the problem. Looks pretty close to stock to me.

German sedans have always been like this. My E36 M3 looks like a 328is with different mirrors and some slightly different trim. My dad's '91 200TQ looked like an Audi 5000 in spite of the glorious 20v I5 turbo under the hood. The E28, E34 and even E39 M5 look like their more basic brethren. Not much set the Merc

Warning! Leaving your suspension uncompressed all winter will sometimes kill suspension bushings and shocks....

I've seen much, much nicer LS Miata swaps for under $20K.

Hm, I wonder, was the Miata the last 7" round headlight on a car in the USA?

The ABS in my BMW will make sure none of my wheels lock, so I can use 90% of the grip available at all four corners.

My doctor told me to rub taco shells on my face for my cold, and seven days later the symptoms were all gone. Miraculous!

Tell that to the people who live in Michigan. LOTS of 5 year old cars on the road that have rusted through. Some car companies still haven't figured it out.

This is fine if you're careful not to effing touch the car *at all*, since you've now got it covered in a great abrasive.

Street racing, drag racing, "spirited driving: call it whatever you want, but these guys were driving like idiots.

This would be an absolutely laughable price for an M6, which typically go for closer to $12K-$15K at these miles.

Even brand new BMWs are pretty frequently bought by die-hards. Believe it or not, there are wealthy people who are comfortable getting their hands dirty. Two of my four used BMWs went more than 150K with their first owner, with a lot of the repairs done in their garages.

If you're going to the trouble of finding the tools on ebay, you're probably also going to the trouble of taking care of the car in the first place.

The S52 was a poor engine choice? The US version slots right between the E30 and E46 in terms of straight line speed (closer to the E46 than the E30 at that). On top of that, they're not made of unobtanium and if you make one go POP and they only cost a couple grand to replace.

"You'll excuse me, writing is no chore to me and I'm pretty good at it. Little effort expended."

The best part about properly designed modern roundabouts (which are not traffic circles/rotaries, you east coast dingbats) is that they're designed so that the surface is variable camber. More off-camber at the inside than the outside.

Indeed. Of course, racing has always been about being the guy who can preserve his car.

Part of its appeal is that it's non-threatening looking. I can drive my NA like an absolute asshat, but old ladies still smile and wave because it's so adorably cute. Or maybe I am, and the Miata just puts me on display.

Ah yes, let's rip out the exotic race car motor that will cost a medium sized fortune to rebuild and replace it with...something heavier, less reliable and more expensive. Brilliant! Nice job destroying the value of a vehicle with serious collector car potential, the last hand-build production BMW.

"A car accident involving someone driving like an asshole is going to suck the same amount whether they are driving a sports car too fast or a lifted vehicle too fast."