
Wait, they want it removed because he knelt, not because he, ahem, allegedly killed a dude. Sounds right. Where’s the suit?

Good work Jon. Never let pass the opportunity to be an asshole.

How come Chris Rock can do a routine, and everybody finds it hilarious and groundbreaking, and then I go and do the exact same routine, same comedic timing, and people file a complaint?

"More than anything. Except possibly, the crack of a perfectly stuck home-run, the impossibly beautiful chords of Beethoven, the gentle patter of my children's feet, the voice of my mother, the voice of my grocer, the sound of immanent danger. Then Walter Johnson. Then maybe my wife."

A common theme indeed, and while I can't tell if you stand by my point or are against, I wholeheartedly agree that adaptation is necessary for survival, and that it applies to games just as well as it applies to the real world.