
Meh, I've worked in the fashion industry. I hardly think the using the phrase "real women" when asking for more body diversity or bodies more representative of typical women, is body shaming.

Real men isn't a good term either though. Men who don't fit into the alpha male ideal get called that and that's not cool.

When people use the phrase "real women" they are referring to average women who most definitely don't look like models in either looks, dress size, or body shape.

No I don't understand being upset at this article. What exactly is the issue? Just the wording? Because it was an article is about how to incorporate other cultures' looks without being offensive.

You can't take the culture, nor should you want to.

In one's own country, it's a cultural signifier. In a foreign one, it's fashion.

What the actual fuck? These people are monsters. It's mind boggling how someone you trusted could treat you like that. But don't stick around trying to understand, get out of there, it's the best thing for you. Btw you sound like an amazing pet parent. Don't let them get to you.

Great parents can still have shitty kids despite their best efforts. And she seems to have been a good influence for the older daughter. She's not perfect, I'm sure, but she's a damn sight better than a mother who would date her own daughter's rapist.

Look, if your daughters dates a child molester, then you were probably a pretty shitty mother. Why are we trusting this woman automatically?

Ok, how about then taking the angle that this show should have never aired because of its promotion of narcissistic and insane pageant parents? I agree with the OP in this thread.

she was given a tv show, literally for being the disgustingly self involved mother of a tiny train wreck. that vote of approval for her personality and lifestyle contributes directly to the same delusion that allows her to say "i put my kids first" while dating someone who raped one of her kids.

I'm sure I'll get hate for this, but I don't believe it should be a college's responsibility to protect their students at all times in every aspect of their lives. There is a ridiculous amount of mission creep in modern universities, in which a college is expected to service every aspect of a student's life

Sounds like they followed the model used by the Roman Catholic Church, also referred to as "the hot potato method"

Yes. As I've gotten older. Hard to explain why, but I just feel like they're better. Healthier.

Is there anyone that prefers pads to tampons?

I don't think he is a bigot, you guys are missing the point. What he is saying about the teachings of Islam is true. As a person that has spent many years in an islamic republic and read the Koran, he isn't entirely wrong. Have you read the Koran? It is a book of exceptions and vengeance. Justice should be served

Reading the replies here is discouraging... Ben Affleck wasn't listening to a word Bill Maher or Sam Harris said that night and neither did most on this thread. His views on all religions are fairly consistent and as harsh as they seem, they are needed.

Bill Maher is too dickish for my tastes. With that said, I hate all religions that oppress women. Soooooooooo, that's pretty much all of them. Too many bad apples in all the top religions for me. I'll be over here, not associating myself with any made up fairytale shit, not being oppressed. Thanks.

A devastating loss to the Cardinals and MLB as a whole, especially on the night of the World Series. My condolences go out to the Taveras family, and the Cardinals organization.

Dump the SO. Get an adult. That's my advice.