
Good lord, it's like you tried to see how much wrong information you could fit into one short post.

Not all wisdom tooth extractions are simple procedures.

"Ugh, what is going on?"

If they are that bad at Body Language think how bad they would be trying to read the New Kinja comment section.

Or we could go back to not having a TSA.

I'd be more OK with TSA's existence if it seemed like they had an iota of standards for hiring. As it is, I'm being felt up by someone who probably couldn't get a job at Burger King.


You. Haven't. Seen. The. Show.

I don't think this show was racist or offensive at all. I would have watched it.

Glory? Like sentencing women to lashes for driving a car and 50 year old men legally marrying 9 year olds?

Am I really being asked to respect one of the most misogynistic cultures on Earth?

"completely formless, anonymous woman"

Oh yes. But they're much less in control than they were in 2004. Still way too much control, of course, but...god, the Bush years.

You mean, the United States today? Evangelical Christians are kind of a thing in the US.

This is especially dumb because there are so many ways these themes could have been explored non-offensively. Like, she gets adopted by her foreign family members and has to get used to living in and eventually loving another culture. I'd love that show because there are no prime time shows as far as I know that don't

I think it's a problem. When you're working alongside someone who isn't as smart as you, the best emotions you can hope for when dealing with that person typically range from uncomfortable to contemptuous. And neither party enjoys that. And it doesn't make you a classist asshole to expect adults to know words.

It's not her fault that her cubicle mate sounds astoundingly stupid and ignorant. She's just asking for advice on how to deal with it. I wouldn't be able to deal with that crap either. I wouldn't even try to be friends with someone that incurious.

This is a tough one. I work with a wide range of people. Some are well informed and can carry on a coherent conversation. A few of them openly brag about not watching the news and being un-aware of current events. I discovered this during the Boston Marathon bombing. I made a comment about it and the person I was

You're wrong - NEW HAVEN style pizza is the best. Sorrynotsorry.