but when dozens of Americans get gunned down (often by the police!)
but when dozens of Americans get gunned down (often by the police!)
Freud 101 everyone.
The question is, why are Jews afraid of tight border enforcement?
Because you dismiss like the whiny bitch that you are.
a child-like prepackaged response if there ever was one.
Some would say cult like, no substance just dogma.
Perceptions of Jewish suffering warrant the invasion of unlimited numbers of people into the US. Immigration and refugee policy is always seen by Jews in terms of Jewish interests and perceptions of the past, not what’s good for most Americans.
protesting the 4th of july is stellar optics.
the FBI crime stats and National Victim Survey say you’re a fucking moron.
Buddy the data is in. Non-whites do not cherish concepts such as Free Speech, the second amendment, and the role of government. That is a WASP derived, European concept, something others do not hold dear.
Was diversity ever put on the ballot? Was there a referendum I may have missed on that?
dog whistle? that’s just a straight shot. Want more? Public housing into urban areas destroyed ethnic european-american communities all along the eastern seaboard. But i’m sure you think thats just a great thing.
are you under the impression that black people were always in DC. Who do you think was there originally, who were the people that built the city. Certainly not slaves nor their descendents. They’re just reclaiming what their forefathers left them.
the suburbs are refugee camps for the people who built this country.
no, the country isn’t made out of cotton.
do you think 1965 90% white america voted to disenfranchise themselves through mass 3rd world migration?
Was diversity ever put on a ballot?
post another ironic meme cool mid 30s guy.
“corporate fascism”
buddy, all multi billion dollar transnational companies endorse and enforce your precious social values. You’re no revolutionary.
Chur boy wont win a single primary
the crowbar was though, so was the beating on the journalist.
you must be unaware that the picture is supposed to invoke the atrocities, not celebrate them. It was painted by a commie.
remember when progressives said it was a fake crisis