
Did this get posted yet? I’m very interested as well. Thanks

I did 100% down. I came into a cash inheritance and was tired of renting shitty trailers. Bought a fixerupper for cash, fixed it up, and now only pay taxes and upkeep in a very low tax area. $800 a year. I wanted to keep my expenses very low, and this definitely did the trick. I now live on about 40% of my take home

I am with you. The only reason I upgraded is because my old phone would no longer update.

Most of the savings sits in the money market account - 1.0%. Also, I typo’s the savings in the second - 0.75%. Almost done with the Emergency fund and project fund - next up is to automate a Roth IRA...

I do this. I have a primary “set” of accounts (checking (0.10% Interest) and savings (0.25% Interest)) and then I opened another set (checking (0.25% Interest), savings (0.25% Interest), and money market (1.0% Interest). My pay is deposited every two weeks in the checking of the first set, and same day I have an