
“Nobody I know watches this” describes literally everything on CBS, but I don’t think this makes them liars. They just don’t have any shows I care about. I don’t get how a TV critic can be so confounded that The Masses have different tastes than critics.

This would certainly explain why Game of Thronesspawned an entire cottage industry while it would be remarkable if you’ve ever heard a human person talk about You or Sex Education out loud, but who can say? Not me, because I don’t and can’t know if Netflix is telling the truth—and not Netflix, because their numbers

This article could have been titled:

Clearly, it all stems from nostalgia for a romantic sporting heritage!

People don’t like Miramar?

Arcade mode, along with it 3 loot boxes a week, was what got me into the game again. Got tired of waiting for “my team” to get online and solo queue was too hit or miss with the teams. They’ve added alot of tools to make all modes less annoying but thank jeebus for the Mystery Heroes queue