
You've made the assertions, I'm not responsible for doing your legwork for you. Don't be both lazy and condescending, it's tiresome.

I don’t believe they’re arguing that filling out the form is an undue burden, but that it’s an affirmative action that results in the supplying of birth control, which is against their sincerely held religious beliefs. It wouldn’t matter if the form was two pages, one page, one sentence etc.. It’s not the burden of

I think its stated in the article that he was making that money and making the child support payments. It was only after he had employment issues that he wasn’t able to.

Guys... HE BROUGHT STACEY DASH OUT. He is fucking with everyone.

It’s illegal to pay someone less than someone else doing the same job, in situations where there are pay differences, there are almost always other differences such as experience or hours worked per week to account for it. Women largely choose to work in lower paying fields than men and generally stop working full

Even as a kid, I couldn’t stand it either. My brother would insist on watching it and since he was the only boy, he always dictated what was on our only TV (yeah, my parents were major league sexists and as a result he’s a huge asshole now). I still can’t get the stink out of this crappy show off of my brain, why the

Bork got a hearing and a vote. That’s the Senate doing its job, especially since it confirmed Reagan’s subsequent choice.

“They’re treated equal,” she said. “I see him in life. He treats women the same as men. he will tell you what’s in his heart, what he thinks, he will not hold it back if you’re a woman. you’re human, a woman or a man, it’s no different.”

I was never worried about that. I mean, T-Swift has done so much for women in the music industry with her career: she’s shown that even with the most minimal amounts of talent, anyone can be a huge star!

Many members of the SFL Cuban political machine have described him as precisely that: “empty suit.”

“... or a museum dedicated to whatever that country hates.”

Yeah, he’s a dick for having that position, but that’s his position so at least he owns it. He’s not hedging or dissembling, so on the plus side, it makes it really easy to draw and contrast and say “this is what voting for Ted Cruz would mean.”

All too believable. Out on the road today, I saw a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac.

Doesn’t count when a woman is doing the punching. He is bigger and women are weaker physically, so he could have defended himself. He decided not to because he was too emotionally weak to stop her.

Robert Carlock, who wrote for 30 Rock and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, has the pen, which gives me hope.

I am not trying to start a shit show - this judge’s behavior is NOT ok - but if the mother is truly on her 15th or 16th attorney, she is also not ok and it is therefore, to me, completely believable that she practiced some sort of parental alienation with those kids.

We’re living in “takedown culture” and it’s how sites like Jezebel keep the lights on.

@Melatonin: The rest of a woman's—or a man's—body are open field for medical professionals to do whatever is necessary to save their lives in dangerous situations. Nobody screamed their heads off when a doctor removed part of my great-uncle's hand after he mangled it in a tractor. Nobody hollered about bodily

It's topics like this that make me not want to have kids. Not because I am afraid of something like "birth trauma" but because I am afraid of becoming the kind of woman in which every little goddamn thing that doesn't reaffirm my sense of goddess-like birth wonder causes me to assume that I am being violated in some

@pantsless: Not at all. Come out saying "my doctor was a douche" or "my doctor physically injured me during his exam." Have an actual grievance. The phrase "didn't take steps to acknowledge someone's ownership of their body" sounds like you weren't coddled enough. Have a specific problem or leave it.