twbb mark 2

Holy shit! As a fellow brown person from Canada, I would very much like to slap that guy.

yes! because all of his troubles are secretly the fault of WOMEN! beginning with his mother, naturally.

Oh yeah, for sure. If putting your feet in a tub of vinegar for 45 minutes while listening to a recording of a whale giving birth is relaxing and helpful for you and you think it centers your toxins and chi-powers, please, by all means, go ahead! I am glad you have found peace. HOWEVER, I reserve the right to think

“a really excellent new-age marketing ploy from the 70s”

The men commenting here all seem to be absolute creeps. I sincerely hope they really do get scared away from ever interacting with women again!

So you currently work the cash register for Mommy and Daddy, and back when you worked the drive-thru window you assumed that all your colleagues were fucking in the bathroom. Got it.

Yeah, I’ve worked in food service, farm work, car dealerships, academia and professional settings. As a conventionally-attractive “cool girl” no less. I have literally never experienced this mythical workplace where all the women are just gagging to be sent dick pics by their coworkers. The fact that these dudes

Expressing sexual interest: “Would you like to go out sometime?”. Jesus. How did we get to this.

I’m reading tihs whole thread amazed that you won’t—not can’t, but won’t, bceause I’m getting the feeling that one of your kinks is prolonging this stupid discussion—make a distinction between mutual behavior such as flirting, which YES WE KNOW YOU DON’T DO BECAUSE YOU DON’T DATE COWORKERS, and one-directional, blunt

I dunno how that is NOT harassment. Have we crossed the sexual rubicon to the point that asking a woman to watch you jerk off is acceptable behavior? Take it out of the colleague realm for a moment, Cabbie asks. Passenger says no thank you. Everybody cool with that? How about a waiter? “My name is Eliot and I’ll be

IDK some of the older people in my office go hog wild at the Christmas party and are dancing fools in Kanye glasses and glow necklaces. It’s frightening.

Everyone knows you stand behind the benches to make sure you won’t be thrown onto the tracks by a psychopath.

Here’s the simple fact: The Washington Post did journalism the right way, and Jezebel did not.

There’s a tweet I wish I could find that sums the witch hunt shit up perfectly. It goes something like this:

Also make sure to use your hip rotation to get your full body weight behind the punch.

That sounds totally convincing, but it’s only fair to ask his side of the story. Mr. Viafore, did you abuse...what? Oh.

Don’t know if it’s still a thing, but when I was considerably younger, there was a phrase in the New York State Capitol: Tappan Zee Amnesia. It was the condition whereby downstate legislators and senior staff tended to forget they were married once they were north of the Tappan Zee Bridge.

Apparently, Muslims never suffer from mental health issues. When we do something bad, it’s entirely of our own volition. When a white person does something bad, it’s a defect in that otherwise pristine, gorgeous brain of theirs.

Don’t let the Rick & Morty fans find out.