twbb mark 2

Where you err is by assuming that doubt is a privilege. It’s a presumption, and if one is accused of a crime, an entitlement. You can call someone a rapist without legal risk if they have been convicted. If you call someone a rapist without any proof, and you wield that term in an effort to harm the person

This coming of age story captures the very real thrill and angst of being young and trying to figure out the future with a group of people you’ll come to call family.

between Sephora and Usher, herpes is having a real break out moment.

Yeah, he and Roosh (of MRA and PUA notoriety) are both rather attractive. As someone who isn’t conventionally handsome I hate hate hate the equivalency between physical attractiveness and evil or badness. (Yes, I understand that this next analogy isn’t the best one, but right now it’s the best one I can think of and I

Hindsight is 20/20 and all, but all this shit with Nazis almost makes me wish that we had fought a war at some point to settle once and for all that it’s not okay to be a Nazi.

Is Spencer physically ugly? His soul certainly is. But he looks like a clean-cut poster-boy for the Young Republicans circa Reagan.

The best Maureen Dowd story was the one where she went to Colorado to try legal weed and bought a big-ass weed brownie and ate the entire thing at once. I mean, who would write about that? “I’m boneheaded and didn’t ask anyone about this drug I was about to consume!”

We have one in Canada. Her name is Margret Wente and she writes for the most popular national paper, The Globe And Mail. She’s also been found to have plagiarized her columns more than once. The Globe just laid off some fantastic staff writers, but Wente is still there.

That certainly sounds better than “Dowd is a woman for people who hate women,” and accounts more of her writing than the anti-feminist content.

“I’m smart and I’m contrarian and doggone it, I am influential.” <— Maureen to her mirror every morning, probably.

He was married to stephanie march from law an order dunt dunt

I had a kid here in the US try that with me once. The headlock changed his mind.

As a practicing attorney, I can tell you that’s really not true at all. It’s totally dependent on what you’re trying to accomplish. If you’re a criminal defense attorney, for instance, and your client looks pretty guilty at face value, you’ll probably want some critical thinkers. Almost every trial attorney I’ve ever

Holy hell, if they did this, I would start watching!

There are a million stories in the “Naked City”.

Usually I see this post too late to comment, but I am enraged by it every week. My mom’s story would sound exactly like this, that she was a good mom and every external force in the world separated us - it was my dad’s fault, it was the neighbor’s fault who reported her, it was my fault for telling my teacher I didn’t

I’m an adult now with a good life, but I was a child with a mother like the women in these stories. She was stripped of her parental rights by a Midwestern state in the early 90s. I don’t know how much you all know about the Midwest, but for my home state to decide that a woman was not fit to parent, her behavior had

We adopted our daughter by a young woman who was incarcerated and gave birth in prison, a relative of mine. It was very stressful and painful for her to give up her parental rights (we did not ask her, she asked us) but she also felt relief once she knew her daughter would be in a safe, secure, stable home surrounded

Depends on the Morty...

I know people affected by the Las Vegas shooting, so I’m having a hard time trying to equate the grief here as something substantial. Yes, you should rattle the heck out of a corporation whenever they overpromise then underdeliver, but this looks like the smallest of hills to repeatedly stab your flagpost into while