I am a hot woman. I don’t have a name because I never needed one because I’m so hot. (Like a lot of hot women, I…
I am a hot woman. I don’t have a name because I never needed one because I’m so hot. (Like a lot of hot women, I…
From my experience, she is probably trying to find where exactly the penis is at. It’s a good first step before the crying.
Another great headline today:
Their constant flip flopping gives me whiplash. It’s like Joe flips a coin everyday to decide his opinion. Mika used to be good but now her opinions are based on trying to impress her squinty-eyed white bread boyfriend.
You expect me to believe that a man who would punch a woman would also make a gay slur?
It’s weird they did this interview in the back room casting couch office.
I’m keeping my fingers crossed that Amal is really pregnant with Jennifer Aniston’s twins.
He’s also the only one without an, uh, umbrella handler.
Dev wins because he doesn’t look like he’s trying so hard.
I volunteer to check on him
Trump is reported to care excessively about the appearance of his staffers.