You do... You just want to look like you are high above the joke.
You do... You just want to look like you are high above the joke.
Canada's AutoGo reports that a Couche-Tard station in a small New Brunswick village recently encountered a fuel delivery error that put thousands of liters of diesel fuel into a filling tank that normally carries gasoline, causing an untold number of cars to receive the wrong fuel. Ouch.
Wait....people actually sit on their wallets? What the hell? I always put my wallet in my front pocket. No sitting on it and it is quicker to grab.....why would anyone want to put their wallet in the back pocket?
stoptimus prime
What do you guys think? Do the kids really suck at keeping their cars in shape?
Defending something someone else made doesn't make me his father no.
Not that I'm a huge fan of this game or anything (tried it and got to 54 and never picked it up again) But..
"Ripped Art" =/= "Art inspired by..."
Because that joke is played out.
Seriously. The idiocy of that parking job is far exceeded by the idiocy of burning the car.
I've had literally a half-dozen cars towed after blocking my driveway and I always get enormous (perhaps even unhealthy) joy from it. But torching? While I consider asshat consequence to be my own personal vindictive sport, destruction and violence is a very real line that can't ever be crossed.
man im so pissed at that car intruding on this park ill burn it down.
The Onion should just print this story as-is. People would think it's one of their usual Biden stories.
Definitely not a communist. The political system in America is a slightly socialist leaning democracy.…
Is this on video somewhere? I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of the context that would make this 1000x funnier.
What, a man can't like a Corvette?
I didn't know Russia has a F1 team,
Do you think I came here to read? Do you, Owen?