
^ This a million times. Why is such an easy concept so fucking hard for people to comprehend?

He’s explained this a ton, but I guess you’re really just that dense. He’s not saying it’s okay or condoning the actions of the biker. He’s saying passing on the double yellow, while illegal, didn’t necessarily make him stupid. He’s not saying the biker isn’t stupid or wrong, just that his actions depicted in the

No one is absolving the biker. The author is merely stating the driver had no right to take justice into his own hands and attempt to kill the biker for breaking a traffic law. That’s all. He even said the biker waa in the wrong. Why is this so difficult for people to understand?

He didn’t say it was perfectly okay to break the law, just that it wasn’t necessarily unsafe. That doesn’t mean it IS safe, just that it’s not definitely 100% always unsafe.

But you also said you pass in a no passing zone. Albeit after you’ve stopped and determined it’s safe, but that’s still passing in a no passing zone based entirely off what you’ve determined to be safe. For you to not be a hypocrite based on what you said, you should have stopped, gotten out of your vehicle, and moved