Thanks for posting. I was fascinated by what you wrote about yeast. This summer I would become almost uncontrollably tired, and if I wasn't at work I literally couldn't keep awake.
Thanks for posting. I was fascinated by what you wrote about yeast. This summer I would become almost uncontrollably tired, and if I wasn't at work I literally couldn't keep awake.
Anyone else think that kittens can be so incredibly fearless?
O lovely Pussy! O Pussy my love
Free time today or tomorrow - this movie is fun.
Probably the biggest issue is he hasn't figured out what role he wants me to play in their lives-
I'm thinking more and more that the internet is simply a cat cuteness conveyer device.
I noticed that too...flattened ears...however don't know anything about lil bub so maybe his flattened ears aren't the "general" flattened ears.
So, does anyone reading this think that race is a social construct?
It is definitely a sign of the end times.
You might be correct in your assessment, but let me offer an anecdote and a study that was shown recently on 60 minutes.
I don't know anything about YA beyond Twilight and Hunger Games. It's curiosity on my part, as I have a 9 year old who in a few years will be interested in what her friends are reading.
What other YA books/series are downplaying the ability of a young girl to shape her own destiny?
Integrity on the internet? I've yet to see it.
What happened? I was on vacation.
OMG he looks so much better!!
White people like brunch, as far as I can tell.
She'd be an inspiration to anyone. Girl is tough as bricks. Too bad she couldn't get the benefits here.
Just Friends. Scatological, stupid, and sophomoric. I usually don't like this type of movie, but I love this one. Anna Faris and Ryan Reynolds.
Scalp/skincare questions here. Lots of buildup on my scalp, too much dry skin on scalp. What to do? I am down to shampooing it once a week but I'd really like it to be healthier.
Forget working hard and being somewhat skilled in a profession. The real moolah is in porn. Sigh.