
Yes I make the mistake of generalizing from my own experience. At 25, let alone 16, I did very emphatically not want children. (I'm much older now and very happy to have a child.) Some people though want children from the get-go or if they find themselves unexpectedly pregnant are suddenly more than ok with the idea.

Just had to comment on the "side-eye". I'm not Hispanic, but I've had people identifying as Hispanic give me that. One even said to me, you know you don't have to be ashamed, after I said I wasn't. I'm like, I wouldn't be, if I were.

I don't want to worry you needlessly ('cause at least one post mentions feeding the cats scraps and didn't mention them becoming ill from it) but I'm a vet tech and the vets are always saying that cats need taurine or they'll have serious health issues. Cat food has it, tuna I don't think has it. So some generic

I saw The Avengers last summer, and I agree with your assessment. Finest I've ever seen.

"No, but where are you really from?"I'm glad I'm not the only one that is asked this stupid question. I'm 2nd generation on one side. I say "Virginia" and then stare at them. Usually they wither before pushing it. I'm "white" but not really fair.

Huh? How is it the least Greek?

"I ordered a cafe au lait. I should be ashamed, but I'm not."

Not just "that slut" but that "slut of yours" (daughters are property of fathers). Maybe I'm reading too much into it. I want to punch jason-unchained's face. Repeatedly. Great sign btw.

My little one cried all the time until 6 months. Good thing she was beautiful.

Maybe, but for me, her 10th to 14th months were almost pure, unadulterated joy.

Geez, there are so many men out there (including my ex) that so need to learn it. And some women too ("Oh, I don't have to earn anything, just get my Mrs. degree and the MAN will take care of everything and rainbows forever, etc.)

Do you think they think that, hey I'm going to work 2 or 3 jobs anyway, so why not have a child at 16? SMH. No one has goals?

It's sad. I mean, my boyfriend at 15 was really pretty cool in hindsight, but I'm guessing that many 15-21 year old males unexpectedly finding themselves fathers are not going to step up to the plate. I'm glad your friend's situation turned out okay.

How do they "recruit" these teens? If the girls wanted a choice whether to become a mom or not, honestly, please just take them to an abortion clinic. Not as entertaining I guess. Are they all really religious or something?

Just my 2 cents - if you are not pro-choice, then you're saying a woman does not decide what to do with her own body. Seems like a deal-breaker.

Minorities & women are seen as being complicit in their own injuries in ways that white men aren't.

Anyone reminded of River Phoenix?

In the meantime, Virginia continues its sneaky shit-undemocratic tactics of trying to slip things under the radar with almost no public notice. From the naral va page - (this is after the state legislature got tons of restrictions passed on abortion clinics last year)

I just tweeted a Texas Tribune writer on this, she says ban is still in.