Thanks for sharing that link. It is amazingly difficult to information like this.
I liked, but then I decided they all suck.
All I can say is, one of the coolest guys I've ever know is 5'4". Go for what you want to go for. List your height accurately. If they don't respond, then they don't want to date you. If they do, go for it. It's not like you can control your height!
I'm curious - any male readers, are you asked by complete strangers or slight acquaintances to "hey, smile" or "why so down" or something to that effect, when you are simply walking by and are in fact in no particularly bad mood? It's happened to me (female).
They'll change if enough people are as passionately pro-choice as they are anti-choice.
Virginia has the added "benefit" of the attorney general Cuccinelli, who is happy to rain on any sexy-times parade. Asshole par excellence.
I'll admit it: I do not generally like rappers, or rap music. What I've sampled is misogynistic or just not my cup of tea.
Yes, depending on why you are deficient. If you don't absorb B-12 because of say a h-pylori infection or pernicious anemia, you need the injections. If you pernicious anemia, you can have it for years as your body goes through the liver stores, and then *bam* you start having symptoms 'cause you've run out.
My friend has pernicious anemia, and oral tabs, even if a massive dose, aren't sufficient. She has to do regular injections.
That's really weird. I have shots of B12 regularly, always in the upper arm. I would go to another doctor.
Honestly, what I noticed in that picture was the expression on the kids' faces.
This was the best thing I read on the internet today. Bless you.
Politics, American style? I'm not from Texas, but I can't claim to know how my own state's legislature operates either. Here (Virginia) they (including some wacko types who've somehow - not by me! - been elected to the state legislature) walked in and passed legislation (restriction on clinics) last year and I didn't…
Time to do the same as before, even bigger numbers this time.
Maybe the problem is being a consumer of news. Better to make the news.
All of my local representatives support abortion rights here in Virginia, but that has not stopped the state legislature from passing legislation restricting abortion clinics.
I'm glad you've come around. You don't miss what you had until you've (almost) lost it. And if we don't FIGHT, we may very well lose it. Nothing is a given.