Oh! I forgot Spectacular Bid. He was pretty good.
Oh! I forgot Spectacular Bid. He was pretty good.
The first triple crown I watched on tv was when Secretariat was running. I didn't know that I'd never see a better trilogy.
No, you are not the only horse racing nerd, unfortunately I was too busy to watch the race.
Has Amnesty International been involved with these cases against Pussy Riot? Has any international organization been influential or at least heard by the government? Lastly, you all are incredibly brave and I admire you so much. Na zdorovye.
Interesting. Last time I was in my gynecologist's office, discussing birth control, he said that he had a patient recently that *oops* got pregnant at 50.
I'm going to sound like a mom here, sorry. When I was much younger I used to become terminally bored like this, and in hindsight I wish I'd developed some outlets like running, or cosplay, or anything instead of hopping around job to job.
May I ask how you know it will be 4 years?
I'm a woman, but I'm sure this has been an unfortunate choice for some folks, no matter the gender...
The guy who was in hindsight only vaguely, slightly, like the one I wish I'd slept with.
That show was AWESOMESAUCE.
"Honey Boo Boo personifies America in a way that perhaps no other single person in our time does." NO, no, no, no.
I craved Kraft macaroni and cheese while preggers. My baby turned out brilliant. Take that, low-sodium Nazis.
I think they were using spoons...my other beef is, I was shoveling food into my mouth the entire time and still couldn't eat a modest-sized lunch in the time allotted...neither ccould the kids (not that they were trying, they're all talking). Heck, why do they need lunch anyway /sarcasm
I generally feel good about myself, until I catch a glimpse of my mommy pooch in the mirror sideways.
I was going to ask about this, thanks for explaining. In his mind his act was that of a martyr, so he wasn't afraid to suicide.
I volunteered to chaperone for a field trip. I ended up with 4 high-spirited girls. After one point, I had to corrall them all and say, "Look. If I lose anyone of you, your parents aare going to kill me and *Ashley (my daughter, name changed to protect the innocent) will be sad when that happens. So stop running off…
I joined my kid for lunch at school for the first time, and they had NO FORKS. I asked the lunch lady for a fork, and she eyeballed me. I said, I'm eating taco meat on top of a baked potato, and a salad, and I need a fork. She finally gets me one.
This isn't really new...well-to-do parents have been farming their children out to governesses, etc. for centuries. (Or sending them off to boarding school at like 7. ) Frankly, I bet some nannies are much better at parenting than the parents. Other thing to consider - 2 people who have high-powered demanding jobs…
I call BS on #1. My '70s childhood included lots of unsupervised running around and, yes, dealing with older kids who were assholes.
Given all the attempts to roll back Roe v Wade, and abortion clinic restrictions, I am all for ANY type of birth control, even if it is not 100% effective. It is an excellent alternative for something who is not generally sexually active and wasn't planning in advance. Is it perfect? No. Should people be having…