My kid refuses to eat lunch at school - says the macaroni and cheese isn't "real" the pizza is "crappy", even the beloved chicken tenders (beloved anywhere else), no thanks. It's brown bag all the way.
My kid refuses to eat lunch at school - says the macaroni and cheese isn't "real" the pizza is "crappy", even the beloved chicken tenders (beloved anywhere else), no thanks. It's brown bag all the way.
I started watching it and could.not.stop. I remember being up 'til 2 or 3 AM a couple of nights. It definitely picks up steam.
My 8 year old daughter just saw this picture and is now having a fit.
How many here are wondering like I am if Emily Castro was victimized by her father and uncles? And who fathered the baby she tried to kill?
I've lived on my street for more than 10 years, and there are still neighbors which I'm not sure I could pick out in a lineup, yet alone know their habits/proclivities. Are you going to call the police and say, hey, check these people out, they're weird and anti-social? I'm really floored though if someone reported…
This is really making me wonder about my neighbors who never open the door more than a crack when you knock on it.
Russians do take good care of their babushki. Very sweet.
CBS is good, little tabloid fodder, more straight news, Norah O'Donnell, Charlie Rose and Gayle King on it.
$50 a pill. Apparently only the rich and semi-rich can use this option...I sure as hell didn't have $50 lying around when I was 15. Of course you could pool it together from friends, I guess.
Thanks everyone for answering. And very impressed with the costume! I think my 8 year old is a future cosplayer. She loooves costumes and making stuff.
On a completely random note, are her eyes hazel? (Catherine Zeta-Jones)
That outfit leaves nothing to the imagination, does it?
Why thank you! That's how I feel about it. I live in the DC area, with people who are totally into status/wealth etc. I also find it helpful to hang around people who DON'T ask that question (So, what do you do?). They do exist, and they're far more interesting.
I also get this response frequently (I'm a vet tech.) I admit it's hard to dismiss it, but I've learned to. Take pride in your knowledge and craft. I do. Just because they have money (someone said it above and it's true) doesn't mean they are classy.
I have come to the sad conclusion that the ignorance of the general population knows no bounds.
Yes yes yes. I need to drink now.
What's confusing me then is, well, the ridiculousness of someone who is very slightly Cherokee going on about his culture and what not. I can't answer that question though - how *whatever* someone is. I'm a "mongrel" myself. I just wish someone would give Veronica back to her parents. You know, the ones she spit up…
I was going to post a comment, but this GIF sums up how I've felt since Monday. Now that bomber #1 is in custody and bomber #2 is dead, I may after oh 6 glasses of wine tonight begin the road back to near-normalcy.