
I can't find the source but I read that Brown himself is not 100% Cherokee. Also, some tribes can designate someone as part of their nation. I feel for the child here; to me, whoever has looked after/cared for/loved the child since infancy should have first "dibs." I doubt Veronica wants to go with her father. I

I lost 50 pounds in 2 1/2 months after giving birth. I was in nearly-constant motion when awake (reflux baby that cried unless carried and in motion) and breastfeeding dropped the pounds off. However a year later I did not have to move as much and I gained 20 of the pounds back. I would have to do - I don't know what

Now playing

To quote Joe Jackson: What's the use of getting sober/when you're going to get drunk again?"

I LOVE cloches! I wish i could get away with wearing them on a regular basis, or heck anytime.

Huh. You say men do not find overweight women attractive, then equate that with women not finding men attractive that are shorter then they are. How about women not finding men who are overweight not physically attractive as well? A great personality can excuse some weight in my eyes though. It won't excuse a huge

"I want to say no because I am not comfortable and even if it were a white guy, I mean, he's a shoe shiner." There is your answer. If you had a different reaction, then I'd say, yes, go on a date. There has to be more there than you chiding yourself for this to work.

I watched it. Pretty powerful stuff. From what I understand life on a Sioux reservation is pretty tough - rampant unemployment, massive alcohol/substance abuse. I felt myself getting a little judgey of her, then had to slap myself and say, hey, you weren't raped repeatedly from 3 years old on, ya know? (By

Threatened his Christian values - as in he wanted you really badly?

I took it once, felt crappy and vomited once. However it is still loads better than an unwanted pregnancy.

Thank god for her. I'm sorry you had to go through that.

My third grader has received cursory instruction in cursive...she is also learning to type on her own at home. She loves to practice handwriting.

I'm American but spent some years in Europe in my handwriting ending up looking similar. Can't take a picture unfortunately.


I think you've nailed his thinking.

After watching this guy for 2 years, I'm fairly certain he knows nothing about the enlightenment. Guy is the opposite of enlightened. Suspect there is a deep strain of pre-Vatican II catholicism in the man...if one can call him that.


I live in Virginia. I detest Cuccinelli. I am counting the days until this idiot is out of office...assuming, God forbid, he doesn't win for governor. He is disgusting.

Violent Femmes.


I have a friend that is a veterinarian. I remember her telling me about using honey to heal burns. This will be a long process. If he is willing to stay in, keep him in. He may be more lethargic because of the wound. Did the vet give you any advice to get him to stick around? There are sedatives that are