yeah, +1 for the iTunes disaster.
yeah, +1 for the iTunes disaster.
**Warning** not for homo-phobes!!!
@FragRev: ok. just wondering.
@Curves: want to hear them need to hear them share them.
@HurtsSoGood: nope. if my brother was well off (famous) and believed in one of my inventions i would use all pr tactics to get product in circulation.
@Gary_7vn: i agree in that bp is not the problem; it is our thirst for oil that is the problem. we are all at fault. this disaster/accident was going to happen sooner or later. i guarantee this won't be the last oil related problem we face.
@tw@t: nevermind. wrong ad.
I've found that refreshing the browser sometimes gets rid of em (F5).
all right!!! very cool!
@Zkdog: this guy looks shocked that he has balls hanging from his chin.
@AWood1982: have you seen the ps3 move porn gun yet?
@FragRev: quick question. did you ever come close to using all that storage space?
@cleartwo: agreed. and the fact that hardware is optimized for software and vice-versa.
wow!!! amazing. what no 3D? kidding.
i just think that the ps3 is not powerful enough for all of this; they need to dumb down processing.
@SquaIor: this looks like a sex toy; like the ball will rotate when trigger pressed.
@eCommArchitect: i am sure evo is one heck of a phone; we just like what we know. i might like the evo too much if i get my hands on it.
@cbytes: you might be right.
@2001: A Space Odyssey: 3d contact lenses. no.. no.. 3d lasik. all in time my friend.
@Mmm...Burritos: or a i right? right? i'm a douche.