There is still no official word from Ben Affleck’s camp about the screen adaptation
There is still no official word from Ben Affleck’s camp about the screen adaptation
Are Italians really white tho? Or just genetically descended Neanderthals who happen to have a vastly varying history of ancient and modern colonialism? I don’t honestly care, I just haven’t “othered” a group lately; I don’t know any guidos personally and just want to get back in the swing of things
Damn, the one time an HOA would be useful.
Ahh Fyre Festival--truly the shit sandwich that keeps on giving.
Well, they tried the usual thing of wearing sweatsuits in between routines, but the cats just keep wriggling out of them.
Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani are allegedly not married “due to her faith.”
Can we cancel Timberlake?
What’s that sound?
Came here to say this. I must be a sociopath, because I kind of like that soy burger taste.
This is sad. I grew up with Big Bird and Oscar, but I never knew both were played by the same person. Didn’t Big Bird and Oscar have lots of scenes together? Am I misremembering that?
In Disney’s defense, Goofy is its accountant.
Hey all! I just opened a bottle of Beaujolais Noveau and I behave a cat on my lap. The Bartender and I saw “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” this week and both of us sniffled through the entire movie. Actually, I tried not to sob too loud. We went out for drinks afterwards (red wine flight for me, sparkling rose’…
I had to re-evaluate because I need a crown and my existing dental insurance denied pre-approval because they don’t think the situation is dire enough. (It hurts when I chew but I guess if it’s not going to crumble to dust, too bad?)
You should consider a periodic eye exam (once every 2-3 years) to check out your eye health, not necessarily for corrective lenses. Some conditions, like glaucoma, can be symptom-free in the early stages.
My mom just had my sister and I pick out what she should eat. When my brothers took her out, we would often get phone calls to find out what she liked at that restaurant. The short answer was always something with artichokes.
Agreed, and I would need binoculars to see that TV from bed.
This just poked me right in the heart. Both of my maternal grandparents suffered from dementia, and while I was too young to have participated in something like this, I can completely see how it would have helped tremendously. What a wonderful idea, and a wonderful man who thought of implementing it.
Allison, HOW TF ARE YOU GONNA WRITE A HEADLINE SO FIRE?!? BACON THEM ALL SEASON?!?!?!?! Today, you are my hero. <3
Pantone may call this “Classic Blue,” but I am viewing it as “Democrat Blue,” and hope to see it wash all over the country. If Pantone had decided on any red-tinged color for 2020 I would have been disconsolate.