
Not as fancy as you two, but I approve of not wasting the oil: I pour the sardine oil on my rice when I’m eating rice and sardines. 

I temped at the DBS- Development Bank of Singapore, in the City of London, and they were not computerized IIRC. That was years ago. I’m sure they are now.

Eastenders Appreciation gif

Helter Skelter Cat! 

For anyone who needed the visual:

sometimes is better being alone than with someone you’re not happy with

Jezzies, a Portland parent had a problem with a history book because it was racist, and the school district goes “it’s the teacher’s prerogative to choose the textbooks.”

Too puffy from fillers.

Interesting story.

Lynne Cox swam from Alaska to Russia. She was asked what she wanted from the Russians to commemorate the event. She said a ‘babushka’ thinking, like you, it meant a headscarf. This confused the organizers.

Once she reached her goal, the doctor who checked her out was a grandmother. Because babushka

You could be right and my little kid ears misheard.
Now I really need to know!

“What we should remember about Al McDonald [is] he would often stress his laws of the seven R’s,” Maier says. “It was always, always do the 1right thing for the 2right reason at the 3right time with the 4right people. [And] you will have no 6regrets for the 6rest of your life.”

Didn’t the magic words used to be “I love peanut butter sandwiches”?
I mumbled them to myself the the other day.
#reminiscences #blastfromthepast 

Where he will hit on young females in the guise of offering private Bible study, much to their discomfort.


As Meghan stated in the interview, the ‘bloids don’t report the news, they make the news. They had a hand in these poll numbers too. 

How are you feeling after hearing he and Melanoma got their shots in January?

If DIY -> Magnolia Network, it, like every other vanity network before it (looking at you, OWN), will offer a little bit of original content and a lot of reruns.
No big whoop.

It looked like an evening dress over a partial black tee-shirt.

It looked like a frilly Hanbok, the traditional Korean dress.