
This is a fucking fan video. I’m very glad it exists but where is the official video of this goal? Yet another example of how women’s sports are unsupported/unappreciated.

Last year we had Lambsgiving.

Wtf is a country pile?
Sounds like biosludge to me.

Is it when Max/Homer sucks on Dianne/Marge’s toes,

I do love a baby in denim!

As a relative of someone who had PanCan, (despite the chemo) the cancer probably metastasized and spread to his lungs and/or other organs, and they shut down. RIP.

I love this so much. I wonder if it’s a direct translation from French faire les courses, or Italian fare la spesa?

I love Leslie, but I sure wish she’d get a holder for her phone so she can point it at her TV and she can comment hands free.

I was agog when I learned this in my Urban Studies class. It happens in states with a liberal/urban part and a conservative/rural part. Funny how that happens!

I have only had them commercially [sliced and] dried and they did not have this appearance.

I thought a pawpaw was the same as papaya but the climate difference should have tipped me off and this:

Sounds like you can sell them to Micheline. 

What about an air fryer? 

This looks delicious.

But can someone answer a question for me? There is no eating on the street in Japan. So if people are going gaga for this concoction, does it cause a pile up of people eating these huddled up in the convenience stores?

I am getting extensive dental work with a mouthguard as the light at the end of the tunnel (not wise to get it while your bite is changing). Looking forward to it. But that’ll mean no more “way too tired to floss/brush/rinse tonight” excuse.

Exactly. You think wearing down not lengthening. Perhaps What Me will explain, or some dentist on LH. 

Lillian, you didn’t mention the egg farts. 

You know those small one cup orange (it had to be orange) tupperware containers? My mom would peel my dad a boiled egg and put in there for his lunch. In that case his time is limited and all the man has to do is eat so unpacking a sandwich and chomping on a pre-peeled egg is totally fine.

You gotta shock the eggs in ice water directly after boiling. That’s what I do. I don’t even know the age of the eggs I’m using, it works that well.