Ending a statement with “okay” is not okay.
I used to buy acorns, but they are so durned hard to peel. Butternuts are a pleasure.
Chinese in Richmond. Supposedly all the famous Hong Kong chefs resettled there after HK reverted to the Chinese. And not at all expensive.
Have you tried the Flag button?
I got a huitlacoche burrito in Portland, and it was delicious.
I had to replace both pedals when my left one broke. I know I’m heavier with my left foot, I’m working on being more balanced. They were more than 10 years old.
Oven rack?
I hated Cathy and the Love is couple.
PATAGONIA is the best!
She stared for a few seconds, then shifted in her seat and settled in to watch the show with a barely concealed smirk:
Oh I see, that’s just like ordering a cappuccino after 12:00 in Italy.
GAH, that’s a hack? I use a silicone spatula for cleaning out the bowl, getting out every bit of egg, and then to stir the scrambled eggs.
Sometimes you fall in love with a person, not their genitals.
Which part of it makes you uncomfortable?